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This seems completely arbitrary. They are happening very often, not so much that make my computer unusable, but still once or twice a day. What log files can I check to know what's causing this?
Just to be clear, I'm just browsing the net or doing any normal thing, my monitor gets completely black. I can't switch to a tty, restart X server, nothing. BUT it's not a complete system lock up, because I can still do a sysrq+b to reboot. I guess this is an X problem? But if it is, why can't I switch to a tty?
Last edited by raul_nds (2008-04-05 17:22:07)
maybe your graphic card is overheating?
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I don't think so. I've spent whole days on windows, playing sims 2 for example, which is not the most lightweight game around, and nothing happens.
i have system lockup too last week, but after turning off cpufreq, it working again
Last edited by matahari (2008-03-08 17:10:41)
Well, after one of these crashes, my disk died on me, so I guess it's pretty serious.
i had something like that when i log out from my DE, the problem was in catalyst drivers for my ATI card, i changed drivers to opensource and it helped.
This was happening to me with my old motherboard. Turns out the northbridge was overheating. It eventually cooked itself (accompanied by a huge ploom of white smoke) and I was without a computer for several weeks.
I'd try opening the case and putting a box fan next to the open side. If you can go a couple weeks without a reboot you know its a heat issue somewhere.
Last edited by bomaroast (2008-04-06 03:00:07)
It's actually a laptop =\