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3 days back,my UPS battery went dead and during a power cut(which is common in India!) computer stopped with archlinux working
now after a reboot and fdisk -fvy /dev/sdb9 from another distro(debian),the file system is fixed,but lending most archlinux packages useless and unstable
Now,How can I reinstall all packages which IS installed?Is there any option in pacman to allow the same?
Offline … 99#p326499
That post describes how to reinstall ALL packages except the ones built manually with makepkg. Those would break pacman -S and are therefor excluded.
You might want to use pacman -Sf to force the reinstallation. Edit, nope, not necessary.
Last edited by loosec (2008-03-11 10:07:32)
Thank You @loosec
Will try and post the result today
^hooray! problemos archlinux is running fine