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I am attempting to follow the setup procedure for ABS from the wiki but have stumbled at pretty much the first step.
I used pacman to get abs and adjusted /etc/abs/abs.conf to
# /etc/abs/abs.conf
# the top-level directory of all your PKGBUILDs
[ "$ABSROOT" = "" ] && ABSROOT="/var/abs/"
# Supfiles to be parsed by abs (in this order)
# (prefix a module with a ! to disable it)
SUPFILES=(core extra !unstable community !testing)
but when I run
the system sits for a while before returning
==> Updating core...
Cannot connect to Connection timed out
==> ERROR: An unknown error has occured. Exiting...
I have searched the forums for the error message and google but cannot see what is wrong.
I read through the wiki page and tried reinstalling wget and cvsup but still got the same error.
Can someone please point me in the right direction
Last edited by alfie (2008-03-11 22:41:35)
Don't think this is anything to do with your installed packages. Maybe the server is down or some firewall related problem (restricted outgoing connections, or maybe ICMP blocked, although that last one is unlikely to have an effect).
Last edited by dyscoria (2008-03-10 23:14:39)
flack 2.0.6: menu-driven BASH script to easily tag FLAC files (AUR)
knock-once 1.2: BASH script to easily create/send one-time sequences for knockd (forum/AUR)
Is your internet connection working fine otherwise?
The internet connection works although I have in the past had issues with package management systems on other distros (Mandrake/Mandriva) had difficulty connecting to repositories.
I have had no issues at all with Arch so far but would not rule out a firewall issue. I am afraid my networking knowledge is very poor so if you could give me some pointers as to which ports should be open or other places to look I would be grateful.
I can I check outgoing connections?
Look into /etc/abs. It should include a supfile.<nameoftherepo> for each repo. In the supfile a line define the default host, which should be
Post here one of them, e.g. /etc/abs/supfile.core, so we can verify its integrity
Last edited by patroclo7 (2008-03-11 09:40:55)
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Sorry for the delay (pesky work stuff getting in the way again)
my /etc/abs/supfile.core contians:
# supfile.core
# this is the host containing the core PKGBUILD files
*default release=cvs
*default delete
*default use-rel-suffix
*default compress
#*default umask=002
*default tag=CURRENT
Alas it looks fine, so this is not the issue.
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Hmmm, very odd. Do you have a firewall running? Are you behind a router?
flack 2.0.6: menu-driven BASH script to easily tag FLAC files (AUR)
knock-once 1.2: BASH script to easily create/send one-time sequences for knockd (forum/AUR)
...also, make sure that all IP blocking software and such is disabled when you run the abs command.
I am behind a router and there is a firewall set up on the router, I do not believe I am running any IP blocking software.
I was looking at the abs script and thought I would try the csup command on its own and increased the verbosity and it does appear to be hanging at the point of connection (my router flashes a little but not much.
I think I will try without the firewall to see if that is causing the problem and if so work out from there what should be enabled that isn't.
Thanks for all your help, I have this solved now.
Just for info the problem was that the router has a buggy implementation of DNS in that if you use it for local network DNS then for certain applications (e.g. wget and apparently csup) it will insist on trying to resolve all addresses without using the external DNS that has been set.
This apparently only affects Linux, it works in Windows (see [url=,12484917]link[url])
The resolution - of sorts, was to add
to my /etc/hosts file which enables it to be resolved correctly.
To help anyone searching the router is a DLink DSL-G604T although this bug also affects the G504T model
Interestingly, if I take the firewall off completely I have no access at all outside my local network but I think this is another topic more suited to a DLink forum.
Thanks again for all your help, you got me thinking in the right direction
edit: corrected code line
Last edited by alfie (2008-03-11 22:41:17)
Pages: 1