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Hey I'm new, I mean really new <I just got arch up and running with internet about 30 minutes ago> and would love to know how to download programs ie firefox and begin the next step of trying to install them. The only thing i really can do is ping beyond my router. Feeling a bit small right now. thanks for any help!
Offline … ation_Tips … tall_Guide
read the links and especially the parts about pacman.
oh, and have fun with arch.
You'll probably want to have a good read through the beginner's guide.
For installing stuff, the almighty pacman is the arch linux package manager.
Welcome to arch!
flack 2.0.6: menu-driven BASH script to easily tag FLAC files (AUR)
knock-once 1.2: BASH script to easily create/send one-time sequences for knockd (forum/AUR)
My first priority in your situation was to be able to browse, so I installed links, a text html browser, to be able to browse arch's forums and wiki while learning how to move on (ie while installing a graphical environment).
To install links, first sync your pacman databases (if you haven't already)
pacman -Syu
and then type
pacman -S links
These pages where inmensely helpful to me, especially the begginer's guide: … tall_Guide
Regarding firefox:
pacman -S firefox
will install firefox, but you need to have a graphical environment (ie X), which if you don't have you should check the begginer's guide.
Do read the beginner's guide, it's a great start.
Last edited by fede (2008-03-22 23:43:39)
Pages: 1