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After getting the net up, immediately install sudo and then create a new user with adduser
I need real, proper pen and paper for this.
It still says Network is unreachable.
I've tried everything and it still says Network is unreachable. I must just be incredible stupid. This is the only thing that i can come put with.
With less than a year of Linux experience got Arch installed easily using the newbie guide, it is very detailed and if you follow it exactly you shouldn't have a problem.
I'm using this guide, just nothing will work:
Go onto, register a nickname, and get onto #archlinux. It'll be a lot faster getting help then. Use Pidgin, and make a new IRC account on as your preferred nickname. Then type
/msg nickserv register <password>
And after that:
/join #archlinux
And you can get some help.
Stop looking at my signature. It betrays your nature.
Go onto, register a nickname, and get onto #archlinux. It'll be a lot faster getting help then. Use Pidgin, and make a new IRC account on as your preferred nickname. Then type
/msg nickserv register <password>And after that:
/join #archlinuxAnd you can get some help.
I went to and it asked me for a username and password? I don't have one and it didn't give me an option to get one.
As for Arch Linux, I think I'm going to go back to Ubuntu and try Arch some other time. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and neither does anyone else(most likely because the problem exists between the keyboard and chair).
I went to and it asked me for a username and password? I don't have one and it didn't give me an option to get one.
As for Arch Linux, I think I'm going to go back to Ubuntu and try Arch some other time. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and neither does anyone else(most likely because the problem exists between the keyboard and chair).
Redroar just instructed you how to get a username and password in the post you quoted.
linux4life88 wrote:I went to and it asked me for a username and password? I don't have one and it didn't give me an option to get one.
As for Arch Linux, I think I'm going to go back to Ubuntu and try Arch some other time. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and neither does anyone else(most likely because the problem exists between the keyboard and chair).
Redroar just instructed you how to get a username and password in the post you quoted.
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I got it now. Although, my latest problem has halted my Arch Linux installation.
1) What is glib2? When I try to install KDE or Gnome it says that it can not find glib2 and there fore can not install KDE or Gnome.
2) When creating a user account what should be the UID and the Groups? I'm kind of confused on what I need to do when creating a user account.
To make a new user:
useradd -m -s /bin/bash <username>
passwd <username>
2) When creating a user account what should be the UID and the Groups? I'm kind of confused on what I need to do when creating a user account.
You can accept the default UID for your new user. The groups you want to add are covered in detail in the Beginner's Guide: … tup_groups or in the Groups article in the wiki:
Smarter than a speeding bullet
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glib2 should automatically be installed as a dependency when you type:
pacman -Sy gnome
If it says out of date or something then type:
pacman -Syu
And answer yes to the questions it asks you. After it's done then try to install gnome or kde again.
Stop looking at my signature. It betrays your nature.