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Pages: 1
I noticed something weird with my root prompt after the latest upgrade. Before, it used to be this:
[root@dethklok /etc]#
now, it's:
;root@dethklok:/etc[root@dethklok /etc]#
I haven't changed anything as far as PS1 goes in either my .bashrc or root's. Any ideas?
What is the value of $PS1; and where is that value coming from. And which package upgrade caused this?
echo $PS1
[\u@\h \W]\$
As for which package, good question. It's been a while since I've done an upgrade on the box in question.
Might it be your $PROMPT_COMMAND that is corrupt?
Turns out that was it. I'm not sure what controls that, though, but putting 'unset PROMPT_COMMAND' in /root/.bashrc resolved it.
Pages: 1