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Hehehe, this is too funny. Nice job guys. (I mean the rewriting thing in the BBS.)
Last edited by foxbunny (2008-04-01 11:21:28)
I was shocked first seconds!!! But at the moment I remember today news on TV - penguins start to fly and move from Antarktic to the Amasonia with nice computer graffics.
Nice joke, guys!
Hello from Russia
Nice one - although I took it for serious for some moments.
But thereafter.. I realized that the majority of the userbase uses the English language - and therefore it is of no sense changing the language.
But still, nice.
Intel Core2Duo E6300 @ 1.86 GHz
KDEmod current repository
Good one.
If you play UT, give a visit They really put a lot of work into that (Allow Scripts)
mh, bit OT here, its just the first thread i stumbled into
Last edited by a1ex (2008-04-01 17:15:54)