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I'm trying to do an FTP install of arch from the 0.6 iso and I've heard how great this distro is, but this install is way to buggy.
I booted from the CD, loaded the setup, configured the network, partioned, and selected the packages fine, but when i went to install the packages I got the error 'One or more packages failed to download. You can try again by re-selecting Install Packages from the main menu.' When I looked at the log screen you get by pressing alt + f5, I saw that pacman had downloaded, but then it said '/arch/setup: 1139: pacman: not found' and the same on the next line.
I tried selecting the packages on a different server, but when it prompted 'Would you like to select a different server?' and I selected yes, it started to download the package list from the same server. So I had to reboot and tried it with 2 other servers and it still didn't work.
Next, I figured I would try installing from the CD. Once I finished and rebooted (yes, I took the CD out), and before the boot loader came up an L and the number 99 about 50 times, looking something like:
L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ... and so on.
I tried using Lilo and Grub (not at the same time) and they both did the L 99 thing. I tried the FTP install once more, but I got the same pacman error.
If anyone knows how to fix these problems or just what's going wrong, please reply.
I dont suggest the ftp install as the servers are undergoing directory changes i think.. And also i dunno if the ftp install will work anymore as the pacman version is older there... Try doing the install cd option after searching google with the lilo and grub problem.. I have seen it many times..
There is a ton of stuff on the 99 problem... A few of them are bad hd controllers, Bad kernels, Bad motherboards and cpus, And thats just from one thread.. Have you tried linux before.. If so did you have that error..
as mentioned the repositories have undergone a few changes in the last few days that are likely causing the errorsx for your ftp install. with the cd install issues .... it sounds possibly like your lilo config file is not correctly set up. You say your grub gave you the same errors .... i don't think it is possible.
i had that lilo error many moons ago but don't remember how i fixed or if I did because that was well before i came to arch. i suggest check for what that error means or finding an online lilo manpage that may help you out. usually lilo errors boil down to lilo.conf errors.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Currently, you can still access the repository using the old path. It will likely stay like that till the next release.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
I have the same problem with ftp-installation. I tried several servers, but it doesn´t change anything.
Doesn´t ftp-installtion work anymore? A few days ago i had no problems with that.
Is it possible to install from CD and upgrade after reboot without any problems (i hope so).
yes you can install from cd then upgrade ..... as always i recommend only installing the base packages and any other packages you may need to get online. after that you can upgrade the base then install whatever you want/need
likely the ftp install is broken because of the pacman in the install may be too old.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Ok, i have done this and it seems to work. I only had to use pacman with -f option.
There is a ton of stuff on the 99 problem... A few of them are bad hd controllers, Bad kernels, Bad motherboards and cpus, And thats just from one thread.. Have you tried linux before.. If so did you have that error..
Yes, I have used Red hat before on that system and it worked fine.
I guess I'll just do a CD install and figure out what's wrong with lilo, unless someone thinks I should use Grub.
Thanks everybody.
well you could give grub a try. but the lilo on the disc should work.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Lilo seems to give people less trouble. Maybe its only because I keep telling people that...
feh. in my experience it is lilo that is the trouble maker ... unless you are trying to use a separate /boot partition then grub can be difficult.
of course all this could be solved by a nice mandrake like install procedure
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
arch grub install scripts always worked for me in separate boot partition.
I've had this same problem yesterday.
You must do the partitioning/formatting/mounting exactly correct!!!!!!!
If you do that it should work. Otherwise you get:One or more packages failed to download.
Just choose base, the rest can you install after reboot.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
feh. in my experience it is lilo that is the trouble maker ...
Everything works differently in Manitoba...
yeah grub works here but not in that god forasaken heckhole you live in
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Hey! I don't live here! I just exist!
Well, I tried another CD install and somehow got 'er booted. Thanks for all the help and recommendations. I'm not sure why it worked this time, but I think it did have something to do with the conf files.
Hi, I'm new to archlinux and I'm really enjoying it.
I also had the pacman error when trying an ftp install.
So, if you must get an ftp install working, do the following:
boot to 0.6 Archlinux cd, get your network setup etc, then:
cp arch/setup arch/setup.backup
nano -w arch/setup
ctrl+w pacman [enter]
scroll down a little to line 532/1143 (use ctrl+c to see what line you're on), which says
snarf ftp://${SYNC_SERVER}${SYNC_PATH}/setup/pacman.pkg.tar.gz >$LOG 2>&1 || msg "Error downloading pacman!" Try another server." || return 1
and add edit it as follows
snarf >$LOG 2>&1 || msg "Error downloading pacman!" Try another server." || return 1
(or replace "" with your favourite mirror)
now run /arch/setup and choose ftp install and all should be good.
hope this helps
I think it's worth filling a bug report
i thought this issue was dealt with a few days ago?
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
It was. All ftp installs will work with no changes now.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
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