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Yes maybe not the prettiest thing in the world. Think of it maybe as a concept, and anyway, the philosophy is release early.
Someone might have a use for it.
Edit: realised this may be better placed in artwork and screenshots - mebbe someone with p0w3rz could move it there.
Last edited by bavardage (2008-04-07 20:57:31)
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I like it, the concept can definitely go somewhere, keep it up
Archlinux on Compaq Presario v5000 laptop
Hoo damn, I like this a lot. "I have that magical feeling again, Harry!" Using it right now!
Me likes it allot
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Not bad, but like most cursor themes and art in general, it is so difficult to draws hands well.
I'll stick with justblue for now.
Looks nice! will try them out later today
Unyttig.INFO - Your source to not so useless information
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My opinion: You should change (or make another version) the angle of the pointers. They seem to be a little too left compared to the default pointer, which is annoying when you are used to it. Perhaps the main pointer should be a little smaller too. Just my opinion, great work nevertheless!
Looks good so far. The hand does look a bit off, but otherwise nice job.
My opinion: You should change (or make another version) the angle of the pointers. They seem to be a little too left compared to the default pointer, which is annoying when you are used to it. Perhaps the main pointer should be a little smaller too. Just my opinion, great work nevertheless!
I thought the steep angle was a refreshing change, and my dad can beat up your dad!