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#1 2008-04-09 21:03:46

Registered: 2007-10-17
Posts: 75

[SOLVED]can't see greek files

Hey...When i download greek files from the web,i can see and use them normally...The problem is that when i mount a cd or a partition from the hard drive i can not even see the greek files!I suppose that it is an encoding problem so i shall show you my /etc/fstab file:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system>        <dir>         <type>    <options>          <dump> <pass>
none                   /dev/pts      devpts    defaults            0      0
none                   /dev/shm      tmpfs     defaults            0      0

/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660   ro,user,noauto,iocharset=utf8,unhide   0      0
/dev/sda1 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda2 / reiserfs defaults 0 1

The partition that i told you about before is /dev/sda3 and it has Windows XP...

Hope you can help me with it...Thanks!:)

Last edited by Archerbee (2008-04-10 14:08:05)


#2 2008-04-10 00:04:23

Registered: 2008-03-09
Posts: 26

Re: [SOLVED]can't see greek files

edit /etc/locale.gen and sellect onlly  options below 

en_US.UTF-8    UTF-8
en_US    ISO-8859-1
el_GR.UTF-8    UTF-8
el_GR    ISO-8859-7

Create a mount point for sda3
for examble

mkdir /media/winbloat

Install ntfs-3g

pacman -S ntfs-3g

Edit /etc/fstab and add sda3 like this

/dev/sda3 /media/winbloat ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,locale=el_GR.UTF-8 0 0

uid and gid are set to 1000, so only you will have permissions r/w for this mount point


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