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hello all,
Any way I can let my CD's play digitally instead of analogue, because I don't have my CD-Rom drive wired to my soundcard.
You can do this with xmms. There is a setting for digital playback.
Options->preferences then select the CD Audio Player... plugin and select 'Configure'. Select the Digital audio extraction under 'Play mode'. You will need to change the device and directory to whatever it is on your system. Mine is /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 and /mnt/cd. Make sure the /mnt/cd dir is there and that the info is in fstab also.
The Output plugin back on the preferences tab should be set to what you use, it defaults to oss, so you probably want to switch to alsa.
It works for me except I just changed to udev and there is some permission problem. I edited /etc/udev/permissions.d/udev.permissions but it still only works as root.
Aah thanks, works like a charm!
In order to play audio cd with xmms you have to add your user to group disk and restart computer.