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I have a problem with conky.. It is cutting off the bottom of it, where it should show my emails and things like that. Here is a screenshot:
As you can see, on the bottom right corner it says "You have 2 new emails" and under it, which should show who the emails are from and the subjects, is cut off. This sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't...
Here is my .conkyrc
background no
use_xft yes
xftfont Terminus:size=8
xftalpha 0.8
update_interval 2.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 5 5
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 8
border_margin 4
border_width 1
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
use_spacer yes
${color slate grey}Node: ${color}$nodename
${color slate grey}System: ${color}$sysname
${color slate grey}Kern:${color }$kernel
${color slate grey}UpTime: ${color }$uptime
${color slate grey}CPU:${color } $cpu%
${cpugraph 20,165 191970 87cefa}
${color slate grey}Processes: ${color }$processes
${color slate grey}Running: ${color }$running_processes processors
${color slate grey}Highest CPU:
${color #ddaa00} ${top name 1}${top cpu 1}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 2}${top cpu 2}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 3}${top cpu 3}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 4}${top cpu 4}
${color slate grey}Highest MEM:
${color #ddaa00} ${top_mem name 1}${top_mem mem 1}
${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 2}${top_mem mem 2}
${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 3}${top_mem mem 3}
${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 4}${top_mem mem 4}
${color slate grey}MEM: ${color } $memperc% $mem/$memmax
${membar 3,165}
${color slate grey}SWAP: ${color }$swapperc% $swap/$swapmax
${swapbar 3,165}
${color slate grey}ARCH: ${color }${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
${fs_bar 3,165 /}
${color slate grey}UBUNTU: ${color }${fs_used /mnt/ubuntu}/${fs_size /mnt/ubuntu}
${fs_bar 3,165 /home}
${color slate grey}NET:
${color }ip: ${addr eth0}
${color}Down: ${color }${downspeed eth0}k/s${color}
${downspeedgraph eth0 20,165 191970 87cefa}
${color}Up: ${color }${upspeed eth0} k/s
${upspeedgraph eth0 20,165 191970 87cefa}
${color }total: ${totaldown eth0} Down ${totalup eth0} up
${color slate grey}Pacman:
${color #ddaa00} ${execi 1800 perl /home/eric/.scripts/pac/} ${color}update(s) available.
${color slate grey}Gmail:
${color}${execi 180 perl ~/ o}
Help is appreciated
try increase minimum height of the window from minimum_size 5 5
minimum_size 5 800
Of course you can change it to your needs.
try out this
own_window_type override
Thanks, changing it to override seems to fix it
Pages: 1