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Just let you know, I am a first timer...
I installed Arch Linux (Don't Panic) on my desktop and installed successfully,
The thing is after installation and reboot, I am at bash command line environment and can not do(dont know) anything.
I thought installation would provide gui environment the one that is similar to windows, but I am stuck in bash and grub.
Do I need to install gui application like xface by my self? or did i missed something on installation.
Yes you need to do all of that yourself
The place you are stuck is the beginning of what is beautiful about Arch. You have your core components installed, and now you can install Xorg and whichever desktop environment or windows manager you like, without having other things auto-installed that you may not want. The beginner's guide in the top paragraph of the Wiki is great, and the Installation Guide there also very helpful. You can hold down Ctrl and ALT and press a function key and access another CLI (command line interface) session. Open one of them (F2-F6 should be avaiable) and run elinks to access the Wiki. You can then use the Ctrl-Alt-Fn keys to toggle back and forth between your installation screen and your Wiki for more info. This save you from needing an extra computer to access the Wiki files. Note that some of the outline headers are also hyperlinks and have a great deal behind them, don't forget to click the headers, too.
You'll like "the Arch way" a lot after you've used it a little while. Good luck, and post back if you get stuck! The folks here are really nice and helpful if you've done some reading before you ask. That Wiki is dynamite!
Pages: 1