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I'm trying to get glGo installed but ran into some issues. I used the autopackage download available on their site, then ran into some issues with python. My friend, another archer, suggested using this pkgbuild to work around the python problem:
However, after compiling it & trying to install it, it bombs with these errors:
sudo pacman -U python*.pkg.tar.gz
loading package data...
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: boost: requires python>=2.5
:: kdeutils: requires python>=2.5
:: pycairo: requires python>=2.5
:: pygobject: requires python>=2.5.1-5
:: python-numeric: requires python>=2.5
How can I fix this (if it is fixable)?
Last edited by MoonSwan (2008-03-24 08:53:47)
deinstall those packages
No, I wouldn't do that!
I haven't go this working yet but I tried to make a PKGBUILD for you. Here's what I have so far:
# Contributor: Christoph Siegenthaler
pkgdesc="PANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban game viewer, editor and interface for GNU Go"
depends=('python24' 'sdl_ttf')
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/glGo glGo-${pkgver}.rpm
cd $startdir/src/usr/
mv lib/ $startdir/pkg/usr/lib
mv share/ $startdir/pkg/usr/share/glGo
mv games/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/glGo/
If I try to run it its quitting with this error:
Fatal Error: Data file not found. Aborting. Try the -s commandline option.
Have to look into this later. Feel free to play around with the PKGBUILD in the meantime...
Cheers Sigi
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
hm, I couldn't go to bed without giving it a further try
It's still not working yet but at least the app itself starts...
# Contributor: Christoph Siegenthaler <>
pkgdesc="PANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban game viewer, editor and interface for GNU Go"
depends=('python24' 'sdl_ttf')
source=(''${pkgver}'.rpm' 'glgo')
md5sums=('61a909cbfd4db1b24c88e6ac12df9acc' '125e98c4d400498fa9ca35d0e3a1672e')
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/{share/glGo,bin} glGo-${pkgver}.rpm
cd $startdir/src/usr/
mv lib/ $startdir/pkg/usr/lib
mv share/games/glGo $startdir/pkg/usr/share/
mv games/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/glGo/
install -m755 $startdir/src/glgo $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
exec /usr/share/glGo/glGo $@
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
moonswan, try just installing python24 package since u already used the autoinstaller and checked the rest of the depends, if all works after u have that package installed then you can try to use the package build above.
pacman -Sy python24
sigi: I think your depends list is a little short, I know for a fact it needs mesa and sdl packages for it to work. I also think its needs gtk 2.0 from AUR to work as well. … 02s02.html
As I wrote this post originally, I forgot to explicitly state why python was giving me a headache. The issue itself is that glGo is asking for python 2.4.x libs/packages, yet I have python 2.5.x instead. As a result, glGo refuses to work properly until I give it the 2.4 libs. As I found out, if you downgrade your system or try to install the 2.4 python package alongside my current python files, you run a risk that your system will break. My friend, whom I mentioned in the original post, suggested the pkgbuild for python above as it is supposed to resolve this sort of issue. As I said earlier, though, the pkgbuild refuses to compile properly.
@ Jacko, I'll give your idea a try and see what happens. Worst case, I manage to mess up the whole system I think and i'll have someone pretty peeved at me for a couple weeks. :-). (you know who I'm talking about I'm sure...her initials are BB) Regardless whether this works or not, you're still awesomeness in a cup and thanks for all of your help.
@ Sigi, thank you very much for your efforts. It is appreciated & I will certainly give your pkgbuild a try later today if Jacko's idea works.
@jacko: You're absolutely right about the dependency list. I didn't even run namcap on the package... It was already 2:45am and I had to get up at 6:45 today
@MoonSwan: I also suggest you to follow jackos tip about installing python24. The worst that could happen (and I don't think that this is going to be the case) is that some other python programs stop to work. If it happens just remove python24 and you'll be fine. If installing python24 help, give my PKGBUILD a try, fill in the missing deps and upload it to AUR. 8)
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
@Sigi, I tried your build script but it bombed with a small error and, as I don't quite understand what it did, I don't know how to fix it. Could you please post & tell me how to solve this as I'm sure your build will work with some tuning.
Heres the output of what I tried so far, and Python 2.4 did install fine. I don't think I broke anything either (yet).
summer /var/abs/local/glGo-1.4 $ makepkg -s
==> Making package: glgo 1.4-1 (Tue Mar 25 17:36:26 MDT 2008)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
Targets: rpmextract-0-2
Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages from extra...
--2008-03-25 17:36:30--
=> `/var/cache/pacman/pkg/rpmextract-0-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz.part'
Connecting to||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /archlinux/extra/os/i686 ... done.
==> SIZE rpmextract-0-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz ... 716
==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR rpmextract-0-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz ... done.
Length: 716
100%[=======================================>] 716 --.-K/s in 0.01s
2008-03-25 17:36:31 (53.1 KB/s) - `/var/cache/pacman/pkg/rpmextract-0-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz.part' saved [716]
checking package integrity...
(1/1) checking for file conflicts [#####################] 100%
(1/1) installing rpmextract [#####################] 100%
==> Retrieving Sources...
-> Downloading glGo-1.4.rpm...
--2008-03-25 17:36:31--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2647123 (2.5M) [audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin]
Saving to: `glGo-1.4.rpm'
100%[=======================================>] 2,647,123 416K/s in 6.8s
2008-03-25 17:36:39 (379 KB/s) - `glGo-1.4.rpm' saved [2647123/2647123]
==> ERROR: glgo was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.
I tried to fix it by adding to the source line ... 'glgo-${pkgver}' and a few other minor edits but I can't get this to work as yet. Ideas?
Sure. Copy the glgo-part (the lower code-box) of my last post into a file called "glgo" and put this into the directory you build it in.
Remember, there might be missing dependencies, I didn't check all the deps...
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
I finally got around to messing with this pkgbuild today. I no longer get the error ==> ERROR: glgo was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.
Now I get an entirely different set of errors about not finding dependencies! ARGH! I've spent the last hour trying to track down which packages give me the correct dependencies that the PKGBUILD requires. So far I've had zero luck finding them using either yaourt or pacman.
Heres the PKGBUILD i have modified from your original posting:
# Contributor: Christoph Siegenthaler <>
pkgdesc="PANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban game viewer, editor and interface for GNU Go"
depends=('python24' 'sdl_ttf' 'libz' 'libgtk' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'libgl' 'libglu' 'libsdl' 'libsdl_image' 'libfreetype' 'libpython' 'libpango' 'libfontconfig')
source=(''${pkgver}'.rpm' 'glgo')
md5sums=('61a909cbfd4db1b24c88e6ac12df9acc' '125e98c4d400498fa9ca35d0e3a1672e')
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/{share/glGo,bin} glGo-${pkgver}.rpm
cd $startdir/src/usr/
mv lib/ $startdir/pkg/usr/lib
mv share/games/glGo $startdir/pkg/usr/share/
mv games/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/glGo/
install -m755 $startdir/src/glgo $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
Whenever I've tried to track down a dependency I always get this:
$ makepkg -s
==> Making package: glgo 1.4-1 (Thu Apr 24 18:55:40 MDT 2008)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
error: 'libz': not found in sync db
==> ERROR: Pacman failed to install missing dependencies.
And if I do try to find the silly dep ...
root /var/abs/local/glGo-1.4 # yaourt -Sq --provides libz
==> packages which provides libz (shows no output at all just a blank line)
On the plus side glGo does run from within the /usr/bin/glGo directory ! So at the least I can play while messing with this stupid build. I swear this has become a small mission to get this working. Help much appreciated! I'm out of ideas on how to proceed.
@jacko & @sigi, thanks alot for all the help you have provided thus far. I am getting closer to making this work thanks to your efforts.
Last edited by MoonSwan (2008-04-25 01:18:06)
error: 'libz': not found in sync db
==> ERROR: Pacman failed to install missing dependencies.
its package zlib
pacman -Sy zlib
# Contributor: Christoph Siegenthaler <>
pkgdesc="PANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban game viewer, editor and interface for GNU Go"
depends=('python24' 'sdl_ttf' 'zlib' 'gtk2' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'libgl' 'freeglut' 'sdl' 'sdl_image' 'freetype2' 'pango' 'fontconfig')
source=(''${pkgver}'.rpm' 'glgo')
md5sums=('61a909cbfd4db1b24c88e6ac12df9acc' '125e98c4d400498fa9ca35d0e3a1672e')
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/{share/glGo,bin} glGo-${pkgver}.rpm
cd $startdir/src/usr/
mv lib/ $startdir/pkg/usr/lib
mv share/games/glGo $startdir/pkg/usr/share/
mv games/* $startdir/pkg/usr/share/glGo/
install -m755 $startdir/src/glgo $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
Last edited by jacko (2008-04-25 03:50:44)
Remember, there might be missing dependencies, I didn't check all the deps...
To quote myself... Thanks jacko!
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Yes much thanks to both of you! The build works but I can't seem to get it to use the .desktop file I put into the tarball. any idea how to solve that sigi?
Also it will not upload to AUR and I looked at the wiki but I see nothing amiss except if I use the tar zxcvvf on the tarball, it fails to extract???
tar zcvvf glgo-1.4-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
Do you install the .desktop-file you included in the tarball? You have to put it into the source array and install it in the right place using the install command.
Use the following commands to create the tar.gz:(in the directory above the folder glgo)
tar zcf glgo.tar.gz glgo
and this to extract it:
tar zxf glgo.tar.gz
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Pages: 1