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After latest update of mplayer-plugin some months ago I lost the ability to play mpg files when they are passed through a link (that is the URL ends with that file). It just displays an empty white page. I noticed that I have lost the ability to play other types of online media too.
I didn't gave much attention until today that I wanted to hear online radio. After some experimenting I found out that when I close firefox and install the mplayer-plugin package everything works fine. When I close and open again firefox the problem comes back.
This is what I see when I type about:plugins now hat I have the problem.
Installed plug-ins
Find more information about browser plug-ins at
Help for installing plug-ins is available from
Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_05-b13
File name: /opt/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/
Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_05
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-vm Java Yes
application/x-java-applet Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.3 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.3 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.3.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.5 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.6 Java Yes
application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.6.0_05 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.3 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.3 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.3.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4.1 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4.2 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.5 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.6 Java Yes
application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.6.0_05 Java Yes
mplayerplug-in 3.50
File name: /opt/mozilla/lib/plugins/
mplayerplug-in 3.50
Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
video/mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
audio/mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
video/x-mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
video/x-mpeg2 MPEG2 mpv2,mp2ve Yes
audio/mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
audio/x-mpeg MPEG mpg,mpeg Yes
audio/mpeg2 MPEG audio mp2 Yes
audio/x-mpeg2 MPEG audio mp2 Yes
video/mp4 MPEG 4 Video mp4 Yes
video/3gpp MPEG 4 Video mp4,3gp Yes
audio/mpeg3 MPEG audio mp3 Yes
audio/x-mpeg3 MPEG audio mp3 Yes
audio/x-mpegurl MPEG url m3u Yes
audio/mp3 MPEG audio mp3 Yes
application/x-ogg Ogg Vorbis Media ogg Yes
audio/ogg Ogg Vorbis Audio ogg Yes
audio/x-ogg Ogg Vorbis Audio ogg Yes
application/ogg Ogg Vorbis / Ogg Theora ogg Yes
audio/flac FLAC Audio flac Yes
audio/x-flac FLAC Audio flac Yes
video/fli FLI animation fli,flc Yes
video/x-fli FLI animation fli,flc Yes
video/x-flv Flash Video flv Yes
video/ VivoActive viv,vivo Yes
application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3 Nullsoft Streaming Video nsv Yes
audio/x-mod Soundtracker mod Yes
audio/basic Basic Audio File au,snd Yes
audio/x-basic Basic Audio File au,snd Yes
audio/x-scpls Shoutcast Playlist pls Yes
Shockwave Flash
File name: /opt/mozilla/lib/plugins/
Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes
application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Yes
Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible
File name: /opt/realplayer/mozilla/
Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible version built with gcc 3.2.0 on Feb 1 2006
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer Plugin Metafile rpm Yes Plug-in
File name: /opt/openoffice/program/ Plug-in handles all its documents
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/vnd.stardivision.calc StarCalc 3.0 - 5.0 sdc Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.chart StarChart 3.0 - 5.0 sds Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.draw StarDraw 3.0 - 5.0 sda Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.impress StarImpress 3.0 - 5.0 sdd Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed StarImpress-packed 3.0 - 5.0 sdp Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.math StarMath 3.0 - 5.0 smf Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.writer StarWriter Template 3.0 - 5.0 vor Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global StarWriter Global 3.0 - 5.0 sgl Yes
application/vnd.staroffice.writer StarWriter 3.0 - 5.0 sdw Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc StarOffice 6.0/7 Spreadsheet sxc Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template StarOffice 6.0/7 Spreadsheet Template stc Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw StarOffice 6.0/7 Drawing sxd Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template StarOffice 6.0/7 Drawing Template std Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress StarOffice 6.0/7 Presentation sxi Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template StarOffice 6.0/7 Presentation Template sti Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.math StarOffice 6.0/7 Formula sxm Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer StarOffice 6.0/7 Text Document sxw Yes
application/ StarOffice 6.0/7 Master Document sxg Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template StarOffice 6.0/7 Text Document Template stw Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text OpenDocument Text odt Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template OpenDocument Text Template ott Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master OpenDocument Master Document odm Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web HTML Document Template oth Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet OpenDocument Spreadsheet ods Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template ots Yes
application/ OpenDocument Drawing odg Yes
application/ OpenDocument Drawing Template otg Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation OpenDocument Presentation odp Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template OpenDocument Presentation Template otp Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula OpenDocument Formula odf Yes
Google VLC multimedia plugin 1.0
File name: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
mplayerplug-in 3.50
Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-google-vlc-plugin Google Video Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 6.0 / 7
File name: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
mplayerplug-in 3.50
Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
video/quicktime Quicktime mov Yes
video/x-quicktime Quicktime mov Yes
image/x-quicktime Quicktime mov Yes
video/quicktime Quicktime mp4 Yes
video/quicktime Quicktime - Session Description Protocol sdp Yes
application/x-quicktimeplayer Quicktime mov Yes
application/smil SMIL smil Yes
RealPlayer 9
File name: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
mplayerplug-in 3.50
Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio RealAudio ram,rm Yes
application/vnd.rn-realmedia RealMedia rm Yes
application/vnd.rn-realaudio RealAudio ra,ram Yes
video/vnd.rn-realvideo RealVideo rv Yes
audio/x-realaudio RealAudio ra Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealAudio rpm Yes
application/smil SMIL smil Yes
Windows Media Player Plugin
File name: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
mplayerplug-in 3.50
Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer
JavaScript Enabled and Using GTK2 Widgets
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/asx Media Files * Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin Media Files * Yes
video/x-msvideo AVI avi,* Yes
video/msvideo AVI avi,* Yes
application/x-mplayer2 Media Files * Yes
application/x-ms-wmv Microsoft WMV video wmv,* Yes
video/x-ms-asf Media Files asf,asx,* Yes
video/x-ms-wm Media Files wm,* Yes
video/x-ms-wmv Microsoft WMV video wmv,* Yes
audio/x-ms-wmv Windows Media wmv,* Yes
video/x-ms-wmp Windows Media wmp,* Yes
application/x-ms-wmp Windows Media wmp,* Yes
video/x-ms-wvx Windows Media wvx,* Yes
audio/x-ms-wax Windows Media wax,* Yes
audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media wma,* Yes
application/x-drm-v2 Windows Media asx,* Yes
audio/wav Microsoft wave file wav,* Yes
audio/x-wav Microsoft wave file wav,* Yes
Adobe Reader 8.0
File name: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
The Adobe Reader plugin is used to enable viewing of PDF and FDF files from within the browser.
MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/pdf Portable Document Format pdf Yes
application/vnd.fdf Acrobat Forms Data Format fdf Yes
application/vnd.adobe.xfdf XML Version of Acrobat Forms Data Format xfdf Yes
application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml Acrobat XML Data Package xdp Yes
application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml Adobe FormFlow99 Data File xfd Yes
Last edited by insane (2008-04-25 20:20:57)
I had a similar issue somewhat... the plugin didnt work at all in FF after a while.
Removing the ~/.mplayer directory fixed it for me.
I have had the exact same problem. I saved a version of pluginreg.dat (located in ~/.mozilla/firefox) when the plugin was working (immediately after a reinstall). The next time the plugin went bad, I copied my saved pluginreg.dat over the current file. This restored the mplayer-plugin functionality. The next time it goes bad, I will compare the old & new versions of my pluginreg.dat and post what I find.