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I now see that there was a 0.98 in incoming.
anyways this is 1.00 and I'm happy to copy/paste my PKGBUILD. I hope xmms-plugin for mpc will be included because mpc somehow popular among some DC++ and not only there.
anyways enjoy eitherway:
# Contributor: Nikos Kouremenos <>
pkgdesc="A XMMS plugin for playing sounds in Musepack (MPC) format"
groups=('xmms-plugins' 'xmms-io-plugins')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
make || return 1
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/xmms/Input
cp $pkgname-$ $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/xmms/Input
please oh please if you a maintainer consider adding this pkg in your list. thanks
as i maintain quite all xmms-plugins i will have a look at it after my exams (1,5weeks)
by the way: what is DC++ ?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
DC++ is a synosym these days to DirectConnect. It's a great Floss project (and unlikely it's windows-only)
dcqui-qt is the best in Linux world, but it sucks so much in the GUI that you better use command-line client
it's in extra now
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I just did xmms-musepack 1.1 and bmp-musepack 1.1this month. They are currently 'alpha' but it's already less buggy than 1.0
They now also use libmusepack 1.0.1
I haven't done yet any arch package for it though
Sources at
yeah my friend who uses XP is very fond of mpc. i have to say it is superior to mp3 (but then again almost anything is).
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
I just did xmms-musepack 1.1 and bmp-musepack 1.1this month. They are currently 'alpha' but it's already less buggy than 1.0
They now also use libmusepack 1.0.1
I haven't done yet any arch package for it though
Sources at
xmms-musepack on this site is 1.1a6 - any idea where you have the non-alpha version already?
are you the author of it?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
yeah my friend who uses XP is very fond of mpc. i have to say it is superior to mp3 (but then again almost anything is).
so you all telling me that my mobile mp3/ogg player (1/4gb) is already something deprecated? *baby-like cry*
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
well no. if you wanna use oggs they are pretty decent. depending on your player it may be able to handle mpc's too (via update).
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
i searched and found only the firmware for ogg, mp3 and the M$-codecs --- it's a iriver 390T; no mpc support, but as i mainly need it to record speech into mp3, what works ok and listen to some ogg-music, i never missed any other new codec ... maybe time will show me other :-)
( - i can provide a pkg of ifp-line if people need it )
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
The neuros does it too. That's what I have.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
No hardware player currently support mpc although a new portable decoding library was made recently. PocketPC will support it soon though.
About the plugin, i'm the author and will call it "1.1" only after tag writing is added. Arch people are adventurous people and like to use bleeding-edge apps, so giving it a try to 1.1alpha6 would be great, and i would get more feedback ( or bug reports )
No hardware player currently support mpc although a new portable decoding library was made recently. PocketPC will support it soon though.
About the plugin, i'm the author and will call it "1.1" only after tag writing is added. Arch people are adventurous people and like to use bleeding-edge apps, so giving it a try to 1.1alpha6 would be great, and i would get more feedback ( or bug reports )
ok, we are advanturous, so i decided to go to 1.1alpha6 it will be available soon
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
that is odd because i know my friend had a player that played mpc's just fine.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Well, the old plugin ( <=1.00 ) is fine in most situations but sometimes crash at the end of tracks. I never managed to fix it due to how the decoding code and the plugin code were mixed.
As a decoding lib is now used, plugins are now very small, and it's much easier to maintain different plugins for Xmms and Beep-media-player.
ohh ... i forgot:
1.1alpha6 is in extra - please report any trouble to me and the author :-)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.