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I'm setting up a media center and I've had some problems controlling the volume of my digital output. I remedied this by using the alsa plugin "softvol". I edited the mpd config file so that it uses software volume. Now I can control the digital output volume using sonata volume slider, and also directly through alsamixer (I named the softvol volume control "SoftMaster"). In other words I've managed to control the volume of my digital output.
Only problem is that when using mplayer this doesn't work. I tried adding the following to the mplayer config file:
but it doesn't make a difference. Trying to change the volume of mplayer using any of the options in alsamixer does nothing and only the volume slider in mplayer itself can control it's volume. How do I make mplayer work with my "SoftMaster"? I need this to work so that I can control the volume of my digital output while in freevo (I use mplayer for media playing in freevo).
Last edited by Perre (2008-04-26 23:20:31)
Ok, I got it working by configuring ~/.mplayer/config like this:
ao="alsa" #audio out
This made the volume control in mplayer use SoftMaster form alsamixer. But now it seems Freevo is giving me a hard time too.
After doing alot of searching it looks like I have to use plugin with freevo. There I should be able to define which
mixer freevo should use from alsamixer. Only problem is that freevo doesn't react to changes in "SoftMaster".
I added this to
# User defined
('SoftMaster', 'default', 50, 0, 100),
When running freevo I now can move the "SoftMaster"slider in alsamixer up and down with my remote. I other words, I can control the
"SoftMaster"-volume from within freevo. Only thing is it doesn't affect the actual loudness of the music/movies. I'm on the right track, but
there's something I'm not seeing. Can anyone help me?