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Thanks! I'm glad major sites are starting to notice it.
Btw, darose put a package in the AUR called pidgin-manualsize. That's a good way to keep manual resizing if you don't want to go to all the trouble of using a fork.
Last edited by ConnorBehan (2008-04-27 00:47:20)
6EA3 F3F3 B908 2632 A9CB E931 D53A 0445 B47A 0DAB
Great things come in tar.xz packages.
I'm really interested in this fork (I was considering forking pidgin myself some weeks ago). What about better MSN support? Are you going to enable MSNP14 or something?
Pidgin lacks some really useful features like offline messages and better file transfering support under MSN and Google Talk invisible status support.
If you're looking for new plugins to merge into funpidgin, I've made this one (in reply to this ticket) some weeks ago:
It enables you to [un]block entire groups of contacts by right-clicking into the group. I don't know if anyone besides me and people from that ticket are interested in this feature. I've only tested it under Arch Linux, with the MSN and Google Talk protocols.
Last edited by venox (2008-04-27 01:16:25)