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Is it possible to make libflashsupport-pulse work in a 32 bit chroot environment on ARch 64?
I meanI have firefox, flashplugin and libflashsupport-pulse installed in 32bit chroot, while pulseaudio in running on Arch64.
How can this work out? I really have no clue?
Last edited by phabulosa (2008-04-27 22:38:07)
This is important stuff because if you don't enable pulse support for 32bit adobe flash plugin, you will not be able to play any sound via PULSEAUDIO in your Arch64.
I made it to work by the following steps:
1. Enable pulseaudio support in 32bit chroot (following my other post … 57#p360857);
2. Create a file /etc/profile.d/, in this file add a line
Don't set PULSE_SERVER, otherwise, you will screw your 64bit pulseaudio;
3. Make this file executable;
Note: You may pass FLASH_FORCE_PULSEAUDIO="1" via dchroot command as well