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Hi ppl,
Not too long ago I posted describing the bit torrent client im working on. No one really seemed interested. I guess its because no one could run it. I have gone to the trouble of setting up a repo which contains my client and its dependencies. This is the first time I have made packages and a repo so it may not all work initially, but with your help we will track down the bugs.
So what is good about my bittorrent client.
Its fast, using Rasterbars libtorrent backend written in C++, very low CPU and memory usage.
UI written in python so its easy to modify (this does not make the client slow like the official client as the backend is in C++)
Its simple, simply copy torrents into your watched directory and they are added automatically to the session. (inotify).
Ability to pause torrents.
Ability to rate throttle.
Ability to sort torrents by speed, completness, state, name.
Ability to move storage once torrent is complete.
Ability to run in screen session, hence on headless machine.
Ability to schedule off peak and on peak transfer rates.
Ability to filter files (this does not currently work with the storage allocation mode used by default, but will be fixed soon)
DHT. (have to use existing file with DHT nodes as the python bindings do not support adding routers).
Can view alerts, eg tracker messages, peices fails etc. (interface is a bit lacking here).
And more to come......
Libtorrent is under active development and more featurs should be here soon, like proper file filtering, and other things.
Oh this is my first UI driven app. This is my first attempt at a python program.
If you do try it out. You need to copy the files from /usr/share/contor to ~/.contor
You will need to edit ~/.contor.rc and make sure all the paths are correct
And that should be it. The client seems to work very well, I only know of one other person who has tried it, and he says he is still using it.
Oh I take no responsibility if it kills your machine.
I would love feedback or even someone who is good at python to give me tips. (I wish libtorrent had good ruby bindings)
Oh nearly forgot..My repo. Add this to your pacman.conf
Server =
pacman -S contor
If ppl get interested in this I will write some documentation and smooth up some rough edges..if not, well it works fine for me so bad luck.
Q quit
m move storage
p pause
P pause all
A annouce all
left shows info
f files
s schedule countdown
-=_+ does throttleing...u work out what key does what
e view alerts
1 2 3 4 sort torrents
and maybe more which i cant remember
Last edited by sivad (2007-04-08 07:01:38)
it would be better if u added you client to AUR
also a link with screenshots would be nice moreover when theres already an ubercool console torrent client
Last edited by dolby (2007-04-06 16:09:05)
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
yea, a screen would be nice...but i dont really want to take a screenshot of my current session :S
just fixed 2 packing mistakes...hope it works better now
just fixed another mistake..
Last edited by sivad (2007-04-07 06:49:46)
could someone at least let me know if the packages work??
im not able to make a PKGBUILD for python-libtorrent-svn as it uses boost build and has a complicated build process. So I cant put my packages on AUR.
I had the packages tested by someone in irc, they work!! so test it out..
Last edited by sivad (2007-04-07 06:14:02)
I tried to download it, but it appears your server is down.
Yes, server is down.
The benefits of putting your packages in the AUR are that is a known and recognised Arch project, and that potential users can not only access your application's source code, but also the PKGBUILDs and any other files used in the build process. If these are also available on your repo server, that's good too, but not a substitute IMO.
If you're having difficulty with any of the PKGBUILDs, just ask for help.
Hi, I hope its back up now. My router is a bit dodgy....
Um...trouble with PKGBUILD, well kinda.....How do I get it to play nice with boost build system?
I have a new version of contor, if anyone wants me to package it up, let me know
You guys asked for a PKGBUILD file, so here you go.
ATM the client works very well but is lacking some of the features the earlier version had due to a rewrite.
But some new features include:
move on complete
broken into a core and UI with threading
file filtering and priority
a readme file :S
To come:
DHT interface.
Easily change settings.
A variety of statistical views (eg connect peers, and download queue)
The rewrite has had limited testing but works ok if you know what you are doing.
The PKGBUILD may be alittle buggy but Ill fix that as we go.
On first load it will display an error, creat the folder it is missing and it should load.
Editing ~/.config/contor/core.conf with the settings you want (it is pickled so take care)
Post problems and or pathes or features you want
improved efficiency of displaying torrents. i tested with over 110 torrents in the session and displaying about 70 at a time (my screen can do 70ish vertical lines) and seems to scroll ok. That is also with 100 paused and 10 active downloading at 300kbs. (can go a lot faster if torrents are good)
Im just trying to say that this is a good alternative to rtorrent. I also want people to try it out and give me feed back.
The PKGBUILD file may of been screwed, fixed that. ATM I'm compiling contor-0.3 for you people which I will shortly copy onto my repo.
This sounds interesting, if it has better algo than bittyrant. Bittyrant is definitively fastest torrent client I have tested. If you could implement the bittyrant algorithm I would gladly use your torrent client instead of the Azureus based Bittyrant..
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
Cool, it uses libtorrent (search rasterbar libtorrent in google) as the backend which is very fast and effcient.
When I have time I work on making it robust as at the moment it crashes when your first execute it as you have to manually make a directorty. Ill fix this to sound defaults and I will soon implement an interface which will allow easy configuration. (at the monent you have to edit a pickled file which is doable but may be hard for the non technical, but then again would a non technical care for a console client :S )
If anyone has given my a client a go, feedback appreciated (good or bad) or even patches. I have been using pyhton alittle before I first posted this topic so I'm sure things could be imporved.
Thanks people.
just curious?
why is no one trying my client?
lack of webpage / information.
too hard to install.
too buggy.
Last edited by sivad (2007-08-05 13:53:05)
As tomk said, aur is probably a better way to get people interested.
You should atleast put some information on your website about the program's purpose , status and such.
It doesn't have to be a long document.
I've made some small changes to adapt your PKGBUILD to be more consistent with the arch packaging standards :
# Contributor: josh <>
pkgdesc="Console based client using libtorrent"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
if [[ -d $startdir/src/$_gitname ]] ; then
cd $_gitname && git-pull origin
msg "The local files are updated."
git clone $_gitroot
msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
msg "Starting make..."
cd $startdir/src/$_gitname
python install --root=$startdir/pkg --prefix=/usr
Atm i am not downloading any torrents, but if you upload it to aur i promise i'll test your client the next time i need something.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
cool, thanks for the support...
I will shortly look into AUR.
I will also create a basic web page with status and basic info.
Oh, and i really have to make it more robust.
Hello again,
I have spent some time working on my client.
Has many new features, mainly:
daemon/clinet which allows you to connect to the daemon using the client on any computer on your network.
files priorty.
auto moving of finsihed files.
easily change settings for daemon in the client
and heaps heaps more.
Try it out and give me feedback.
Add this to your pacman.conf
Server =
then run this command
pacman -S contor
A README is in the source which you can get using git.
git git://
[18:25 root ~]# contor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/contor", line 5, in <module>
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
[18:26 root ~]#
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
sorry jin...did a release prematurely (im new to this). I just have to get a clean box and see what deps I have missed. But thank you very much for trying it out.
sorry jin...did a release prematurely (im new to this). I just have to get a clean box and see what deps I have missed. But thank you very much for trying it out.
Try running namcap against your package (and maybe also PKGBUILD).
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
You still working on this? I'm interested in giving it a go if it's still being developed. Seems it's hard to find something I like as much as uTorrent. I don't really want to be running a windows client on my box.