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I've been reading over the wiki and forum about building packages for Arch with ABS. I'm having a hard time grasping the actual specific steps required to get it done.
I'm willing to admit that I'm not a genius at this, and that the docs do seem to contain all the information necessary, but I want to make a suggestion:
Could someone maybe draw up a linear, STEP by STEP outline of what needs to be done to get packages built?
Like I said, I've read the wiki and I'm doing the best I can, but so far, I'm having difficulties...
Thanks, guys. Keep up the great work.
so you would like a step by step for creating new package sor altering existing ones?
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
I'm actually trying to build my own packages and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the directions.
I was wishing there was something more like:
1) put foo-ver.tar.gz in /wherever/
2) PKGBUILD goes in /wherever/foo/
3) extract pkg src to /wherever/foo/
Right now...I'm just unsure I'm following the directions. I put the downloaded tar.gz file in my /var/abs/local/ dir, created a directory for the pkg "pyrex" and created a PKGBUILD within that dir. Should I now extract the tar.gz file to /var/abs/local/pyrex/src?
Then I should make sure the build is set up correctly, and I run the same commands I put in the pkgbuild from the terminal?
Then I makepkg?
Hmmm... I'm commited to doing this, because not only could I then have all my software installed with pacman's knowledge, but I could also share the pkgs...I'm trying to put together the rox-related pkgs I want to use on my desktop.
Another thing is that this "pyrex" package doesn't follow the normal configure, make, make install paradigm. It has a simple .py script for all of that. The Install.txt file (follows) seems to offer no real options...How would this be handled???
Pyrex - Installation Instructions
You have two installation options:
(1) Run the script in this directory
as follows:
python install
This will install the Pyrex package
into your Python system.
(2) If you prefer not to modify your Python
installation, arrange for the directory
containing this file (INSTALL.txt) to be in
your PYTHONPATH. On unix, also put the bin
directory on your PATH.
See README.txt for pointers to other documentation.
I know it'll be different for each pkg, but I'm just a bit stuck right now. Maybe a nudge in the right direction? Thanks.
I tried my best to document this here: … guidelines
It's step by step, more or less, but I didn't put numbers in. If you can make suggestions or changes from a newbie's perspective, they would be most welcome.
Basically, the steps are:
edit the PKGBUILD properly
run makepkg
run pacman -U packagename-packageversion.pkg.tar.gz
The first step is the hard one. You don't have to download sources, they are downloaded automatically by makepkg. You put the URL in the source array in the PKGBUILD to have it download the file. It's then automatically uncompressed into the scr directory.
Then inside the build function, you have to cd $startdir/src/untarred-dir (where untarred-dir is package dependent).
Then you do whatever it takes to compile the package (inside the build function)
Then you do whatever it takes to install the package to a specific directory, only rather than puting the root of the filesystem at /, put it at $startdir/pkg.
If you have to do non-standard building (such as with python packages), you use the commands given in the install file to install to $startdir/pkg/usr/bin or such. Python scripts, for example, often go in /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages, so you want the script to install them to $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/.
I believe there is a package for pyrex in somebody's TUR. If you can't use it because it's out of date or something, you can look at the PKGBUILD to see how to update it for the package you are using.
Okokok...I see. Thanks for the clarifications. I'll check it out and report back.
I see what your doc is talking about more now. If I make any discoveries, maybe I'll add them to the wiki.
Thanks a bunch.
I had checked the TURs, I just went to the TUR site and checked the repo list...Is there another resource?
Hehe. I always go to that page and use "find in this page". It's not there, I just checked. The other thing to do is search the "New Packages" forum, and
The funny part is, pyrex *has* been built, and I built it... I jus' fergot: … ight=pyrex
Try that PKGBUILD, to get a feel for what needs to be done.
And please do update the Package building doc, it's meant to be clear to anybody that's brand new at it; if it's not clear to you, make it clear once you know what's going on.
have you make some packages yet?
It's really easy. Here is xerxes step by step guide..
1. First install cvsup, wget and run $ abs .
2. $ cd /var/abs/path/to/program
3. $ makepkg
4. $ pacman -U package name and version
good luck!
Disclaimer: I wrote this right out of my head so there could be some steps missing.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
have you make some packages yet?
It's really easy. Here is xerxes step by step guide..
1. First install cvsup, wget and run $ abs .
2. $ cd /var/abs/path/to/program
3. $ makepkg
4. $ pacman -U package name and version
good luck!
Disclaimer: I wrote this right out of my head so there could be some steps missing.
I think we are talking about new packages not ones already in ABS
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I was able to repackage dbus from brice's TUR, and I've been playing around with a few other packages. I'm having difficulties, but I understand the process reasonably well. I'm considering suggesting (or making) some changes to the Wiki on this.
Also, I was pointed here:
By the famous Xentac. Nicely done.
Xentac seems like a grumpy guy at times, but I'm convinced he's got a heart of gold.
Xentac seems like a grumpy guy at times, but I'm convinced he's got a heart of gold.
pfft! You shouldn't reveal stuff like that! It ruins us grumpy arse types image. I would really have to kick your butt if you said such things about me
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
beniro wrote:Xentac seems like a grumpy guy at times, but I'm convinced he's got a heart of gold.
pfft! You shouldn't reveal stuff like that! It ruins us grumpy arse types image. I would really have to kick your butt if you said such things about me
sarah31 I think you are lovely
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
ursus maritimus are known for such "ruff" behaviour....
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Xentac seems like a grumpy guy at times, but I'm convinced he's got a heart of gold.
Heart of gold? Ha! I'd say the only thing that I have that's gold... is... ummm... uhhh... something that's not my heart! So nyah!
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
By the famous Xentac.
Just remember, he wasn't famous until I told the world how cool he was.