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#1 2008-05-07 00:25:02

From: Hangzhou, China
Registered: 2008-02-16
Posts: 240

Alsa Oddities

I'm setting up my .asoundrc to work with a wined Ventrilo, and I'm having some problems.

What I'm trying to do is combine both my main sound card (hw:0,0) and my usb microphone (hw:1,0).

Here is my current asoundrc which I stole from this page and minimally edited to use hw:1,0 instead of hw:0,0 for dsnoop. I don't know much about asoundrc editing, but this seems like a good start since it's sorttta working.

   #asym fun start here. we define one pcm device called "dmixed"
   pcm.dmixed {
       ipc_key 1025
       type dmix
       slave.pcm "hw:0,0"
   #one called "dsnooped" for capturing 
   pcm.dsnooped {
       ipc_key 1027
       type dsnoop
       slave.pcm "hw:1,0"
   #and this is the real magic
   pcm.asymed {
       type asym
       playback.pcm "dmixed"
       capture.pcm "dsnooped"
   #a quick plug plugin for above device to do the converting magic
   pcm.pasymed {
       type plug
       slave.pcm "asymed"
   #a ctl device to keep xmms happy
   ctl.pasymed {
       type hw
       card 0
   #for aoss:
   pcm.dsp0 {
       type plug
       slave.pcm "asymed"
   ctl.mixer0 {
       type hw
       card 0

Through audacity only using dsp0 works (alsa-oss) (and of course direct hw1,0 recording works) and with ventrilo only using oss for sound works. Of course this is unacceptable because I need dmix. smile

If it helps, my microphone only records directly in audacity when it is set to mono (1 channel). That... might be the problem? In any case I don't know how to resolve it.

Also I realize that the Arch forums aren't really alsa forums, but I have no idea of any better place to post this. If anyone knows of any good alsa forums please let me know.

Last edited by Statix (2008-05-07 00:28:03)

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