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this is my current desktop
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any one have ideas/suggestions?
If you want a faster laptop, you shouldn't run Conky, and surf with Epiphany, not with Opera.
I don't know wich terminal-emulator you're using, but if you want more performance, use xterm / aterm.
Change you're cony configfile, because i doesn't look very nice/clean.
by the look of it you are alrdy on openbox... I don't have a computer as old as yours but I'd recommend stop using conky as well, that thing runs like a beast :x, go with a tiling wm might also work if you spend majority of the time in terminals... whatever floats your boat i guess, but openbox is indeed very light already.
Archlinux on Compaq Presario v5000 laptop
You might also want to take a look at pekwm or openbox or, in case you are able to learn new things, dwm (for it is the most lightweight WM I have ever seen)
I would recommend reading K Mandla's blog as it concerns itself with low powered Linux machines. It's also fun to read just because of the tinkering he does.
Wait for K.Mandla to pop in (he will, I'm sure), or visit his blog (as suggested above)
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rxvt with no fancy stuff (like trasperancy) is the fastest feeling terminal emulator I know of. Since conky is only using 0.5% of CPU, it can stay.
urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand
you could always try using the console with screen. (htop will run in the console, if you want to keep track of your system resources and elinks is a fine browser.)
bladdo / mil / Miles - blog and projects
You might also want to take a look at pekwm or openbox or, in case you are able to learn new things, dwm (for it is the most lightweight WM I have ever seen)
Yeah, I'd definitly give dwm a shot. dwm rocks, IMO...
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Definitely try a tiling window manager. Even on a small laptop display it will improve the speed at which you work. Plus, most are really lightweight and easy to configure.