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#1 2008-05-10 02:59:30

Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 412

[SOLVED]Getting internet to work

I've been using Archlinux a long time ago, but I decided to come back to it one day and I couldn't get internet working after a lot of struggling so I gave up. I decided to come back again and I'm getting the same problem.

I have a normal wired internet behind a router.

I have in my rc.conf

INTERFACES=(lo eth0)
gateway="default gw"

and I commented out the default eth0 line. The rest of the defaults should theoretically work.

running dhcpcd eth0 gets me

Error, eth0: timed out

I tried removing the ! from before gateway, because I remember having to do that before. The begginner's guide says for a dynamic IP you keep it on though.

One of my friends told me that his problem was having two tabs between and localhost.localdomain in hosts, I removed one tab and I still have the problem. I should note that I have two lines in my hosts file. The other one has replaced localhost with my computer's hostname. I think I needed to do that to solve a problem ages ago but my friend says I don't need to. Even if I comment out the second line I still don't get internet.

I know there isn't a problem with my internet hardware. The funny thing is that on the Archlinux install CD, if I choose to do an ftp install, the auto internet setup utility sets it up fine and I can download packages while on the live CD. However I couldn't complete an install with the ftp install because I had two problems.

1) The packages took a long time to download. It wasn't an internet problem. There were very long breaks between the downloads of packages. I suppose it is because it is the liveCD.

2) After I waited for all that and said that I wanted to use the network configuration from step 0 at the configuration part, all the config files are blank for some reason and I get an error (that keeps repeating) if I try to change my root password.

So the easy way out didn't work.

I figured there 'ought to be some way to get internet working, and I have a working install I did from the CD install.

Help would be appreciated.

Last edited by sokuban (2008-05-10 18:22:19)


#2 2008-05-10 06:00:02

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-10-24
Posts: 127

Re: [SOLVED]Getting internet to work

As the 1 step, you may try to drop the line


It's set somewhere else in the configs and isn't needed in rc.conf anymore. INTERFACE "lo" is therefor also obsolete. The rest of the config looks fine to me. Let's see what this step does.


#3 2008-05-10 18:23:24

Registered: 2006-11-11
Posts: 412

Re: [SOLVED]Getting internet to work

Thanks. That seemed to work. I was wondering why my friend said he didn't have lo in his rc.conf. Mine came with the install for some reason though. I think it is because I used 2007.08-2 Don't Panic, which I found out now is an old version.


#4 2008-05-10 19:52:24

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-10-24
Posts: 127

Re: [SOLVED]Getting internet to work

Great, happy Arch-ing smile

Ehm, rolling distro, rolling updates, these are sometimes the consequences ...


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