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Pages: 1
Dear all,
I'm using Arch (+Gnome) in a multiuser environment, so a lot of people uses Arch computers.
For me is a problem to add hundred of users to storage groups in a lot of computers.
In other distro, each user is able to use USB stick and other removable devices without edit configuration files, is it possible also under ARCH?
How can I permit to use removable storage to each user that use an Arch computer?
You can edit the hal policy file in /etc/dbus-1/ to give access to everyone from the users group if you want.
Thanks a lot, works fine :-))
I've only a related problem to solve. Under Gnome I'm unable to umount the volume through the usb stick icons that appears on the desktop, cause the error:
umount: /media/KINGSTON is not in the fstab (and you are not root)
But I'm able to umount double clicking on the Computer icon and than right click on the kingston icon and selecting umount volume.
Strange behaviour.
Pages: 1