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This is weird and frankly I'm still looking for the reason. But, I use xfce and I prefer my fonts thin like like in your xfce screen shot. I was playing with nptl and after installing it and restarting I get fonts exactly like your gnome screen shot. I've been going crazy trying to get my fonts back to the xfce screenshot. Only removing nptl does it. I posted a couple screen shots here. The shot with nptl was after playing with hinting and AA but in one of my tests I did have fonts just like your gnome screenshot.
I'm not sure if just installing nptl will "fix" your fonts but if you see anything relating to nptl and fonts I'd like to see it. In my quest to reverse the problem, I tried changing pango, gtk, freetype, glibc+nptl and kernel headders to the latest cvs versions and nothing.
i'm still working on it, but it's possibly at least in part related to the freetype libs in /usr/lib. when i installed the latest freetype, i noticed that the libs show up in /usr/local/lib, whereas the arch versions are in /usr/lib. i renamed the /usr/lib versions and copied all the files in /usr/local/lib/freetype to /usr/lib, using the -d function to preserve the links. now the fonts are different -- not 100% correct yet, but maybe a little bit improved.
i tried nptl and it didn't improve my fonts, and then my system broke uninstalling it. what could it be in nptl that would even remotely affect the fonts? glibc?
Like how do you get that DPI figure ??
Mines set at 85 maybe I should try 132 ??
Mr Green I like Landuke!
xdpyinfo |grep resolution
Whoa .... gee thanks ..
Thats waaaay cool.....
Mr Green I like Landuke!