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#1 2008-05-18 01:52:36

Registered: 2008-05-17
Posts: 11

How do I patch xorg-server?

Hi guys,
  I've been looking to a solution to a problem I've been having for a while now. I narrowed it down to a problem with xorg and I found a patch for it. My problem isn't World of Warcraft specific but the solution to it is in this thread : (listed as #2 in the first post). I want to know how apply that patch. I know that the second post on that thread asks the very same question, but the solution that was given doesn't make sense to me eaither? Should i just paste that patch into a document and run patch? How will it find my xorg server configuration? My man page for patch doesn't seem to working and --help doesn't really show me much, so i was hoping that someone could explain to me exactly how to patch xorg-server.

Thanks a lot,


#2 2008-05-18 03:43:46

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,510

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

Not giving you a direct answer, but read up on ABS, makepkg and PKGBUILDs in the wiki.  This should provide you with the knowledge of how to build xorg-server from a modified PKGBUILD to do what you want. 

I will provide more info if you still are stuck but without reading the above suggestions it would sound gibberish!


#3 2008-05-18 06:28:57

Registered: 2007-11-23
Posts: 840

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

a patch works like this...

the diff line. That is telling you the files that will be changed with this patch. file a/*/*/*.* to file b/*/*/*.*

The --- and +++ tell u what will happen to each file. First 'a' file will get subtracted from anything with a '-' in the lines below. Then the patch will add the lines '+' and save it as file 'b'

So, now u just use patch program (google) or manually edit the source. man makepkg -o will extract files but not compile the package, then u can edit source directly.


#4 2008-05-18 15:40:03

Registered: 2008-05-17
Posts: 11

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

thanks for the help guys, I think i've almost got it. I followed the tutorial on ABS, got it installed, copied the xorg-server folder into my home directory, and then ran makepkg -o on it. I've patched the two files manually. All that is left is to build the new version. When I try and run makepkg -e it returns an error saying that it couldn't resolve all the dependencies. Here are the dependencies

1) Shouldn't i not need the ones listed as x86 since i'm running a i686 machine?
2) Is there a way to get makepkg to download these? Did i forget a step somewhere? Should I just use pacman to download these?



#5 2008-05-18 18:24:20

Registered: 2008-05-17
Posts: 11

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

more progress, i got the dependencies downloaded fine. Now i just need to make the package. When I run makepkg -e i realized that it automatically applies a bunch of patches and then tries to make the package. I also realized that it ran into some error. Thus I tried to run just makepkg to see if it could make the package without my changes: Same error. … 0x900scrot

I found line 1975 that its complaining about, but I dont know what to change in that line to make it to work. Does anyone have any ideas?


#6 2008-05-19 18:30:34

Registered: 2007-11-23
Posts: 840

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

I'd ask in the dev channel on irc or the dev mailing list for the error. I am not much into c programming and don't even know where to begin. But since u say u get error no matter if u apply the patch of yours or not, then it can't be a problem with that patch. So now u need to forget about patch and work on getting xorg to compile.

Mailing list will probably be your best bet. One big question???? Do you have the base-devel packages installed? pacman -Sy base-devel


#7 2008-05-19 19:14:01

Misfit Emeritus
From: USA
Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 4,189

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?


makepkg -cs

Will pull in all needed dependencies with pacman and cleanup any leftover files.


#8 2008-05-19 20:06:38

Registered: 2008-05-17
Posts: 11

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

still no luck. I found that i did not have base-devel installed, so I went ahead and got that. I also tried makepkg -cs but it ran into the same exact error. I went into the PKGBUILD file and commented out all the patches, yet it still fails.

it still have no idea what : 'libdir exec_prefix prefix' is and why its complaining about it, but i guess i'll go ahead and paste what line 1965 of is:
       AC_SUBST([libdir exec_prefix prefix])

thanks again to everyone who has helped. Hopefully we can figure this out soon.
P.S. I found that in the AUR a package called 'xorg-server-gentoo', do you guys think that it'll patch the xkb ("key gets stuck down") error that I have. If thats the case I might as well just get that package.


#9 2008-05-19 20:29:57

From: Bristol UK
Registered: 2008-02-29
Posts: 261

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

The error that you are getting is nothing to do with the patches.

The error comes from aclocal which is part of the GNU autotools.  Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the details of the autotools so I can't offer a solution sad


#10 2008-05-19 21:52:14

Registered: 2008-05-17
Posts: 11

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

another update: In my quest to fix this stupid key stuck bug, I went ahead and downloaded xorg-server-gentoo from AUR. I ran makepkg fine. Now I need to install it, but when I try and do that, I get a message saying that it conflicts with xorg-server. I just want to make sure that it is safe to do a pacman -R xorg-server and then run pacman -A xorg-server-gentoo....  Since xorg is such an important part of linux for me I would hate to have to use this laptop without X just because I tried this little experiment.


#11 2008-05-19 22:19:06

From: Bristol UK
Registered: 2008-02-29
Posts: 261

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

That should be fine, although you'll need to use the -Rd flag (no-deps) to remove xorg-server, otherwise pacman will complain that various other packages want xorg-server as a dependency.  Also, use pacman -U, rather than pacman -A to install the gentoo version, I believe that the -A option is deprecated.

As for hosing the laptop, if xorg-server-gentoo doesn't work you can just reverse the operation i.e.:

pacman -Rd xorg-server-gentoo && pacman -S xorg-server

and that will get you back to your current situation.


#12 2008-05-19 23:32:50

Registered: 2008-05-17
Posts: 11

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?


I finally got the problem solved by just downloading xorg-server + gentoo patches from the AUR. The version in the AUR is a newer version than the version in the official repository so the problem was already fixed in this version. I followed ghostHack's directions to uninstall the original xorg-server and install this new version and it all worked perfectly. On a minor note, If you have an nvidia card it will tell you to re download nvidia-utils, without doing so xorg will not start.

Thanks again to everyone who helped me though this problem.


#13 2008-05-20 02:28:15

Registered: 2007-11-23
Posts: 840

Re: How do I patch xorg-server?

Maybe try the xorg-server in testing repository.


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