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I've just created my first PKGBUILD, would you mind reviewing it before I post it to AUR?
# Contributor: Joel Schaerer <>
pkgdesc="Great extension to the inkscape drawing program which lets you add LaTeX equations to your inkscape document"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=(inkscape texlive-core python-lxml pstoedit)
md5sums=('448051b36169a06473519c83f20338d8') #generate with 'makepkg -g'
build() {
cd "$srcdir"
mkdir -p "${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/"
install -m 755 "${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/"
install -m 644 textext.inx "${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/"
Autojump, the fastest way to navigate your filesystem from the command line!
Works like a charm! Thank you!
Some formal, very minor issues:
* Arrays like (i686 x86_64) should be written ('i686' 'x86_64'). Also valid for the depends.
* Delete empty fields (groups, makedepends, install)
* replace mkdir -p by install -d
Also formal, but less minor and not your fault: There is no clear license statement made by the author. "BSD" is not a license, but an idea of a license, or a bunch of similar licenses. I would put an echo line with some sentence at the end of the PKGBUILD, redirected to $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/BSD.
Thanks for the answer! I've corrected the three minor issues.
I'm aware of the license problem, and I wrote to the author to request a more formal license. He has added a LICENSE.txt to the project and will include it in the next release, but I don't really know what to do in the mean time.
Autojump, the fastest way to navigate your filesystem from the command line!
Well, as long as the program is not in the AUR, there isn't a problem IMHO. Just wait. Or is the license file available somewhere? You can put it into the source array then and upload it in the PKGBUILD's tarball.
Ok, I've added the license and added it to the AUR:
Any comments welcome.
Autojump, the fastest way to navigate your filesystem from the command line!
Looks very good for a first PKGBUILD
Minor comments in the quest for perfection:
- You can use ${pkgdir} instead of ${startdir}/pkg.
- Items in the source array do not need quoted
- You can remove the comment #generate with 'makepkg -g'
Install with -Dm instead of assuming those directories are there. It's a good habit to do so.
install -Dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/"
install -Dm 644 textext.inx "${pkgdir}/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/textext.inx"
Last edited by pelle.k (2008-06-01 02:32:17)
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
I would appreciate a bit more straightforward description, like "An inkscape extension which lets you add LaTeX equations to your drawings". But that's just my personal preference. I personally would not use word "great" in the description, since
1) it should be as short as possible
2) it's really up to every user to decide if he/she thinks whether it's great or not.
Thank you all for your comments! I've taken your remarks into account, and created a second release of the package.
One little question: I can't find the package with yaourt. Should I just wait some time or am I missing something?
Autojump, the fastest way to navigate your filesystem from the command line!