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So i managed to install Arch, the grub was perect.
Everything was like a dream, i feel like we could live together forever, but then, like a nightmare, everything went apart. *cry*
So after my first boot, I run pacman -Syu, that download everything needed. But when it comes to install the new files it says that some of them are being update before the dependencies, and that results in errors =\
I install the dependencies first, and then run pacman -Syu again, and everything goes on as it should.
(I'm not sure now if I used pacman -Syuf)
Anyway, the system was updated, i was about to configure xorg, the sound, etc.
It says that it can't find /dev/hdc1 (my root device)
I'm sure it has something to do with the new kernel. But nothing changed in my /boot folder.
The new kernel is at /usr/src if I'm not mistake. Do I need to do something with it or was the system supposedly taken care of it??
The only way i can boot into Arch now is by running the Live-cd with arch root=/dev/hdc1
Help x.x
Last edited by Razien (2008-06-06 02:26:44)
Push e on the grub menu to edit the entry and change hdc1 to sdc1 then i think b to boot after your done. if that works then change in the hdc entries to sdc in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst
Was this installing from the latest CD ISO? It sounds like you may have run across an issue from a pretty long time ago (pre 0.8 Voodoo) when the new PATA/IDE subsystem became the new default. I'd recommend using the latest available ISO since there have been a decent number of major changes since then. If you already are, then check what droog suggested, and let us know more details if that didn't work.
Droog I've tried that, and also using UUID, nothing works.
Elasticdog Thks, now that you mention I think i've got the old version ( 2007)
Since I was just starting tho configure the system, I will download the new version and install everything again.
But what should I do after that?
Should I upgrade everything, I'm a little afraid to mess with the kernel again.
The pacman configure everything for me or do I need to change the grub, fstab, etc??
(I'm not sure if I'm being clear, sorry for my english)
If you follow the installation guide, you should be fine...updating after you do the initial install shouldn't be an issue (plus that's one of the big advantages of a rolling-release system), but every now and then there are major changes that people need to be aware of. Since you tried it with an older installation disc, the changes are easy to overlook or not notice when installation messages pass by. I'd say re-install using the new ISO, update, and you should be good to go.
Thks man \o
I've installed the new ISO and just upgraded kernel, but there is one little file that wont let me do a full pacman -Su
This gpm-1.20.3-1 says that /usr/lib/ already exists and therefore cannot continue the update.
The same thing happened with my old ISO.
See here for the gpm issue:
I was thinking about doing that, but i was afraid to mess up my new install ^^
Double solved \o
Thks everyone