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Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on UUID=097357e9-a2f2-4beb-a765-120b87232eb0
Will put log info to 'stdout'
Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
Failed to open the device 'UUID=097357e9-a2f2-4beb-a765-120b87232eb0': No such file or directory
then I tried it as root
Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sda3
Will put log info to 'stdout'
Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
reiserfsck --check started at Sun Jun 8 16:58:32 2008
Partition /dev/sda3 is mounted with write permissions, cannot check it
I take it that this isn't a good thing and I have a big problem here?
Did you actually read the output?
"Partition /dev/sda3 is mounted with write permissions, cannot check it"
Unmount the partition, and check again
How do I unmount it?
umount /dev/sda3
If it says its in use make sure that you dont' have any terminals open that are in the device.
edit: aside from your video card problems i just want to grab you by the shoulders and scream RTFM! in all of your threads
Last edited by czar (2008-06-09 01:34:14)
umount /dev/sda3
If it says its in use make sure that you dont' have any terminals open that are in the device.
sighedit: aside from your video card problems i just want to grab you by the shoulders and scream RTFM! in all of your threads
lol I have read the manual several times and have done everything in it
czar wrote:umount /dev/sda3
If it says its in use make sure that you dont' have any terminals open that are in the device.
sighedit: aside from your video card problems i just want to grab you by the shoulders and scream RTFM! in all of your threads
lol I have read the manual several times and have done everything in it
no, you haven't, you didn't even read the error message before you posted it or else you would have noticed yourself
"Partition /dev/sda3 is mounted with write permissions, cannot check it"
and then you would have looked into unmounting drives
perhaps you would have tried "man mount" if that was the only command that you knew, which if you looked through you would've noticed "See also umount"
maybe you don't know the command "mount" but still a quick search anywhere of unmounting drives in linux would have served up something very useful. I guess i'm just frustraited that you post an error messege without even reading it first idk, a public forum isn't the place to whine about it so i'll stop.
Last edited by czar (2008-06-09 02:10:33)
ok well if you noticed that I am posting these questions in the Newbie area so excuse me for my ignorance I am trying to learn here. this is one of the things that has turned me off of linux in the past but I am not going to let this stop me this time from trying to learn about a great OS. anyway I did read the Manual all about the ATI drivers and all the other stuff open source drivers proprietory drivers, hey I am a noob if I am not doing something right tell me how to correct it or point me in a direction that does have an answer because the Manual ( as far as I can see) hasn't provided me with any real answers because it seems to have been written for older Video cards and if the answer lies in there.. well I havn't found it yet and believe me when I say that in the past 60 + hrs that I have been struggling with this I am still no further now then the first hr. anyway back to the mount/unmounting
I have tried to umount but it says that device is busy, even if I log out ( ctrl alt backspace)and into shell as root I still get the ;umount: /: device is busy. I am taking this to mean that I am still on the /dev/sda3 partition.
You will probably have to boot a live cd (or the install cd) and run it from there. (what exactly is on /dev/sda3? /, /home?)
Or you can use "touch /forcefsck" and a fsck should be run on boot.
I guess i'm just frustraited that you post an error messege without even reading it first idk, a public forum isn't the place to whine about it so i'll stop.
Good... Encouraging users to research their problem by posting links to the manual tends to work better than expressing frustration at lack of manual reading.
You will probably have to boot a live cd (or the install cd) and run it from there. (what exactly is on /dev/sda3? /, /home?)
Or you can use "touch /forcefsck" and a fsck should be run on boot.
czar wrote:I guess i'm just frustraited that you post an error messege without even reading it first idk, a public forum isn't the place to whine about it so i'll stop.
Good... Encouraging users to research their problem by posting links to the manual tends to work better than expressing frustration at lack of manual reading.
Thank you it is now working I would have never thought of doing it this way
ok well if you noticed that I am posting these questions in the Newbie area so excuse me for my ignorance I am trying to learn here. this is one of the things that has turned me off of linux in the past but I am not going to let this stop me this time from trying to learn about a great OS. anyway I did read the Manual all about the ATI drivers and all the other stuff open source drivers proprietory drivers, hey I am a noob if I am not doing something right tell me how to correct it or point me in a direction that does have an answer because the Manual ( as far as I can see) hasn't provided me with any real answers because it seems to have been written for older Video cards and if the answer lies in there.. well I havn't found it yet and believe me when I say that in the past 60 + hrs that I have been struggling with this I am still no further now then the first hr. anyway back to the mount/unmounting
I have tried to umount but it says that device is busy, even if I log out ( ctrl alt backspace)and into shell as root I still get the ;umount: /: device is busy. I am taking this to mean that I am still on the /dev/sda3 partition.
I specifically mentioned your video card problems as not being a part of what i was talking about i don't know why your focusing on that so much here.
edit: aside from your video card problems...
That aside, let me -try- to point you in a good direction for problem solving. Most of the problems that i have come across as i try to learn, myself, how to use arch break down into some very simple things (permissions, $PATH, etc) . Getting A huge error output seems really intimidating at first but if you take the time to look through it for the root of the problem it is often something very simple. Once you do locate the cause for error, doing a little searching about the subject, on google or these forums, will usually turn up some really useful things. A lot of times learning how to fix one thing will help you with many other things in the future because you can apply the same principals.
I don't really know much but i do enjoy coming on here and trying to help out with the few things i do know. I got to the (albeit still very noob) point that i'm at just by reading all of the useful stuff that's already out there. It just frustrated me that you couldn't take the time to read through your own output that you posted.
I apologize for my snappiness towards you czar I was just frustrated and after hours of looking at things without taking the much needed breaks I didn't catch allot of what I was reading because because of the multitaking in my mind . and if anyone around here is a noob I am thinking that I am the Nobbiest one on this forum