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#1 2008-06-12 17:12:07

From: /home/houston
Registered: 2007-12-09
Posts: 102

[SOLVED] editing a database help

i need help on making a script that can change a database txt file that has data like the following

change something like this

              data1      data2        data3        data4


              90            60        03        04



              data5      data6        data7        data8


              05            77        07        08

to look like something like

              data1        data2        data3        data4


              addthis(90)    addthis(60)    addthis(03)    addthis(04)



              data5        data6        data7        data8


              addthis(05)    addthis(77)    addthis(07)    addthis(08)

any hints or know of a script that can do what i need?

Last edited by delacruz (2008-06-12 18:17:07)


#2 2008-06-12 18:16:27

From: /home/houston
Registered: 2007-12-09
Posts: 102

Re: [SOLVED] editing a database help

well i did the following

put data in a file called test then

awk '/[0:9]/ {print "addthis(" $1 ")" ""  "addthis(" $2 ")" ""  "addthis(" $3 ")" ""  "addthis(" $4 ")"  }' test > test2

the the output (test2) gives


this is good enough for me

Last edited by delacruz (2008-06-12 18:22:58)


#3 2008-06-13 00:34:25

Registered: 2008-05-27
Posts: 70

Re: [SOLVED] editing a database help

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - you need python installed (pacman -S python)
# Usage:
# Option 1.
# $ python datafile
# Option 2.
# $ chmod +x
# $ ./ datafile

from sys import argv

if argv[0] == "python":
    filepath = argv[2]
    filepath = argv[1]

inFile = open(filepath,'r')
inText = inFile.readlines()

outFile = open(filepath+".pydb",'a') # please change this

Nums = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']
dont = False

for line in inText:
    if line.find("data") > 0 or line.find("-") > 0:
        for char in line:
            if char in Nums:
                if dont == False:
                    outFile.write("addthis(%s" % char)
                    dont = True
                if dont == True:
                    outFile.write("%s)" % char)
                    dont = False
            if char not in Nums:


This is pretty ugly python, about as bad as it gets... But it get's the job done perfectly wink.

Last edited by vsk (2008-06-13 00:36:13)


#4 2008-06-13 02:22:17

From: /home/houston
Registered: 2007-12-09
Posts: 102

Re: [SOLVED] editing a database help

vsk thank you, it works :-)


vsk i have been trying to do this on my own but i cant get it work

this is part of my data

The following COMMON items have been defined.  They occur on all records.       
Item (occurs)        Data            Item                                       
  Subitem (occurs)   Type  Position  Len.      Value Name       Values          
(record type)          A       1-2      2                                       
LOTE                   N       3-5      3                                       
TIPO-DE-HOGAR          N       6        1                       0:4             
FOLIO                  N       7-11     5                       00000:99999     
REGION                 N       12       1      OCCIDENTAL       1               
                                               CENTRAL I        2               
                                               CENTRAL II       3               
                                               ORIENTAL         4               
                                               AMSS             5               
AREA                   N       13       1      URBANO           1               
                                               RURAL            2

i need my data to look like the following

dictionary   {     
_column(3)    long            lote                   %3f    
_column(6)       long      tipo-de-hogar             %1f
_column(7)      long       folio                  %5f
_column(12)       long       region                  %1f
_column(13)       long       area               %1f


i dont understand what your script is doing so im not able to mod it myself

Last edited by delacruz (2008-06-13 02:45:57)


#5 2008-06-13 11:29:37

Registered: 2008-05-27
Posts: 70

Re: [SOLVED] editing a database help

Right, I'm sorry, but what to 'leave out' of the charecter by charecter line processing is hardcoded in -

try changing

if line.find("data") > 0 or line.find("-") > 0:
# to
items = ["data","-"] # add on to the blacklist
for item in items:
    if line.find(item) > 0:

to exclude more lines that should not change.

Detection for the _columns is done by the for loop and the Nums array, so you'd need to play around with that.

I'd help you with that, but I'm leaving to go to NY in 30 mins, so sorry!


#6 2008-06-16 16:17:01

Registered: 2008-05-27
Posts: 70

Re: [SOLVED] editing a database help

Ok, I'm back. So let me explain my crappy script. This chunk is what the whole thing revolves on, so let me explain it;

for line in inText: # inText is an array of strings. Every item in this array is exactly ONE line of text from the input file.
    # now, this first for loop takes one item at a time in the inText array and assigns it to the variable "line". Every repetition moves on to
    # the next item in the array, until there are no more items (i.e until your entire file has been processed.)
    if line.find("data") > 0 or line.find("-") > 0: # this is the blacklisting I was talking about earlier. if ANY string item in the inText array
        # contains the string "data" or the string "-" in it, this will by default ('without asking any questions') write that line to the new file.
        # after doing so, the loop will move on to the next item in the inText array
    else: # if it does not have those strings, then it will probe the string for an integer
        for char in line: # for every character in the string line
            if char in Nums: # if that charecter is an integer
                if dont == False: # check if it is the first in the set of 2 integers. if it is, then do this:
                    outFile.write("addthis(%s" % char)
                    dont = True # then, alert the script that in the next iteration of the loop, we will have to deal with the SECOND integer in the set
                    # of two integers
                if dont == True: # check if this is the second in the set of two integers, if so, do this:
                    outFile.write("%s)" % char)
                    dont = False # reset the script so that it doesn't perpetually append char) to every integer
            if char not in Nums: # however, if the charecter in the line is not a number, go ahead and write it to the file

and thats it.

Unfortunately, I have commited almost every Pythonic sin;

$ python -c "import this"

and you'll know what I mean.

I have to admit that your last post absolutely baffles me - I don't know what to do with that... Sorry.


#7 2008-06-17 20:48:07

From: /home/houston
Registered: 2007-12-09
Posts: 102

Re: [SOLVED] editing a database help

thanks vsk i will look at your post and study it and hopefully i can make it do what i need it to do.


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