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I've read some posts with a similar problem, but none of the solutions worked for me. At boot, over half of the time the process will halt at either "Loading Udev uevents" or "Setting consoles to UTF-8." Other than that, I love this distro, it keeps xfce light (cough xubuntu) and it's speedy on this 500 Mhz PIII laptop. If anyone could give me some tips that would be great. Thanks!
There are a bunch of threads about the Loading Udev uevents thing. Just search for it. The other one I haven't seen.
I know, I've looked at the other posts but the "solutions" didn't work.
I'm getting the same problem. Turned it on and it gets stuck at "Setting Consoles to UTF-8". If I poweroff and poweron, it boots up! I'm going to comment en-UTF-8 and en-ISO in /etc/locale-gen and see if that helps.
I got the same problem until I applied this patch:
Last edited by ConnorBehan (2008-06-25 14:10:07)
6EA3 F3F3 B908 2632 A9CB E931 D53A 0445 B47A 0DAB
Great things come in tar.xz packages.