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I did another fresh install and this time saw that it was indeed trying to install Qt straight out of the 'extra' repo as a dependency, apparently because I installed only selected packages rather than the group. I said no to that and installed qt-copy first, then went on with my selected packages and kde4 started up just fine.
Now that I'm up and running I've gotta to tell you, the latest snapshots seem to be more buggy than ever.
I wonder what you have done wrong.. not a single issue for at least 1 month now... the plasma crashes are completely gone since beta1 and apart from some missing apps and some dialogs that are huge and cant be resized i have no problem at all...
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
i have a problem starting amarok, it always crashes:
QObject::connect: Cannot connect XmlParseJob::destroyed( QObject* ) to (null)::endProgressOperation( QObject* )
except amarok, everythings works really fine! and it gets better everyday. thank you!
It's a bug planet!
@karoshi: I'm not sure what your problem might be but I just noticed I'm running KDE 4.00.82 (KDE 4.0.82 >= 20080610) built on 20080613 so it seems extragear-multimedia was not built for the past week that I was away. I just did a manual build and it's falling over k3b again so I'll disable k3b and hopefully a new amarok will show up for 20080619.
I'm a little suspect about my local KDE subversion checkout as it's been continually updated for over 2 months now so I think I'll completely remove it all and do a fresh checkout in case there is old crud lying around. Sometime over this coming weekend.
Another small point is that makepkg is gaining the ability to do split packages so I'll wait another week or so and try out the new system and see how it works before continuing with any of my build system updates. I don't think there will be any allowance for using a separate VCS source area so I still may be stuck with providing a more complex than necessary wrapper script. I sent a message to the pacman-dev list explaining my case and need for a separate area for 20+Gbs of persistent VCS source but I was on a lousy 56k dialup link so any decent followup was not possible.
:: kdesupport provoca conflictos con taglib. ¿Quitar taglib? [Y/n]y
error: fallo al preparar operación (no se pudieron satisfacer las dependencias)
:: amarok-engine-xine: necesita taglib>=1.4
:: k3b: necesita taglib>=1.4
:: sound-juicer: necesita taglib>=1.4
@markc: Can't you just use symlinks?
@DarkMind: tricky, amarok is in extragear-multimedia, and k3b is sometimes when it builds, so installing extragear-multimedia solves the first two. I'm not sure how to handle sound-juicer though other than I'll remove taglib from kdesupports provides= and conflicts= settings for 20080620 so the standard taglib package can also be installed. It and the version in kdesupport may differ though but it's worth a try if you are willing to experiment.
@sjakub: I guess so, I'll try it when I test the new makepkg from Git. I won't cover the case of "cd /home/sources/KDE; svn up" which I do atm but updating the KDE sub folders one at a time may still work anyway. I probably still need to add and remove the softlinks so I can auto tarball up the source packages, either that or use a lot of --exclude= arguments to tar. A git or svn update of the source packages will not include anything not added by the vcs so that's okay. I might also just patch the standard makepkg to simply prepend a $vcspath=$SRCDEST variable to the makepkg VCS management routines, that might be the simplest and cleanest way of doing it. Another option is to not use makepkg at all and to extend my current mpkg build script to include some routines ripped from makepkg. I'd also really like to keep all config and state/logging info in SQLite so a web interface, or gui, could easily manage and show reports of the whole build process, certainly a job for next year. Another point is that I intend to rewrite whatever I end up with in Javascript, hence the idea of using SQLite and not needing makepkg at all is what I am thinking of eventually. Thanks for the link suggestion though as it may make things easy for my next cut at it.
$ sudo pacman -Su
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: firefox-i18n: requires firefox=
Is there any way to ignore gui/firefox? I can't perform update.
Last edited by Belitsky.A (2008-06-19 03:20:33)
sudo pacman -Syu --ignore firefox
Last edited by somairotevoli (2008-06-19 06:26:04)
@Belitsky.A: if you go to Edit -> Preferences -> Content there is an option down the bottom of that panel for languages and the "add" option may work for you. I haven't tried it so I'm not sure the procedure is for adding one. It may also be as simple as adding an XPI like … xpi/ru.xpi. Please let us know if it works if you try the gui or the xpi direct.
I've just used "IgnorePkg = firefox" in /etc/pacman.conf and now I have got new problem:
[andrew@andrew-desktop] ~ $ sudo pacman -Su
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: firefox: ignoring package upgrade ( => 3.0-20080618)
warning: smc: local (1.5-1) is newer than extra (1.4-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: tunepimp: requires taglib
[andrew@andrew-desktop] ~ $ sudo pacman -S taglib
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: taglib conflicts with kdesupport. Remove kdesupport? [Y/n] n
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: taglib: conflicts with kdesupport
[andrew@andrew-desktop] ~ $ sudo pacman -R tunepimp
loading package data...
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: kdemultimedia: requires tunepimp
@Belitsky.A: sorry about that, I added taglib back to the provides=() line in kdesupport and updated just this package for 20080620. Hopefully another quick update asap will fix this. The PKGBUILD is here if anyone notices any other problems... … t/PKGBUILD
BTW does the manual config of FireFox3 with the downloaded xpi give you your language that you need ?
Last edited by markc (2008-06-21 01:52:49)
I've been doing KDE development for some years now, and being a bleeding edge junkie your packages are both welcome and thanked for.
However as I like to give back to the community I want to ask if you could the packages with debug information, so that stack traces are useful and can be posted on the Bugtracker. I know I could just compile everything myself or alter your scripts (if provided), but this way more people could help KDE4.
Ideally you could provide both versions (debug unstripped and release), in two distinct repos.
Thank you very much for all your work.
I've been doing KDE development for some years now, and being a bleeding edge junkie your packages are both welcome and thanked for.
However as I like to give back to the community I want to ask if you could the packages with debug information, so that stack traces are useful and can be posted on the Bugtracker. I know I could just compile everything myself or alter your scripts (if provided), but this way more people could help KDE4.
Ideally you could provide both versions (debug unstripped and release), in two distinct repos.
Thank you very much for all your work.
I second that.
I've been doing KDE development for some years now, and being a bleeding edge junkie your packages are both welcome and thanked for.
However as I like to give back to the community I want to ask if you could the packages with debug information, so that stack traces are useful and can be posted on the Bugtracker. I know I could just compile everything myself or alter your scripts (if provided), but this way more people could help KDE4.
Ideally you could provide both versions (debug unstripped and release), in two distinct repos.
Thank you very much for all your work.
IIRC he was planning to build with debug info once in a while (so not every build), but there was a problem with it. I'm not sure but I think the packages were becoming too big. It should be in this thread so you can look it up what exactly it was.
Yep, twice I've tried a complete build using -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug | debugfull | relwithdebinfo and the resulting set of packages were over 2 Gb which is unreasonable for me to upload and certainly not reasonable for folks to download on a daily basis. The PKGBUILDs are at and they can also be svn checked out and I'm happy to provide write perms for anyone with a Google ID. However, they are not that useful without some wrapper script. @tanis has adopted them and made them into standalone PKGBUILDs so his source tarballs may be a good place to start. Mine are as simple as possible and stick very close to being the raw upstream code with minimal hacks, tweaks or patches. I'm still working on releasing my "mpkg" wrapper script but I am trying to do so many things it's hard to stay on target with it so here is a simple untested pseudo script to use my particular PKGBUILDs...
% cat buildkde
source /etc/makepkg.conf #for $SRCDEST and $PKGDEST
if [ -d eth-os/.svn ]; then
cd eth-os && svn up
svn co eth-os # 4Mb
if [ -d KDE/.svn ]; then
cd KDE && svn up
svn co svn:// # 2.1Gb
if [ -d qt-copy/.svn ]; then
cd qt-copy && svn up
svn co svn:// # 520Mb
mv qt-copy qt-copy-4.4.0
tar cjf qt-copy-4.4.0.tar.bz2 qt-copy-4.4.0 --exclude-vcs
mv qt-copy-4.4.0 qt-copy
cd $SRCDEST/eth-os/kde/qt-copy && makepkg -csi
if [ -d kdespupport/.svn ]; then
cd kdesupport && svn up
svn co svn:// # 140Mb
mv kdesupport kdesupport-4.1.0
tar cjf kdesupport-4.1.0.tar.bz2 kdesupport-4.1.0 --exclude-vcs
mv kdesupport-4.1.0 kdesupport
cd $SRCDEST/eth-os/kde/kdesupport && makepkg -csi
# these 3 below probably won't build
# kdevelop
# kdevplatform
# kdewebdev
for A in ${ARY[@]}; do
mv $A $A-4.1.0
tar cjf ../$A-4.1.0.tar.bz2 $A-4.1.0 --exclude-vcs
mv $A-4.1.0 $A
cd $SRCDEST/eth-os/kde/$A && makepkg -csi
I just typed the above in off the top of my head so it will not work as is. To change the debug info then do something like this first (this is a function in my mpkg script)...
% cat kdetype
# Use one of -> debugfull debug profile relwithdebinfo release
source /etc/makepkg.conf # for $SRCDEST and $BUILDSCRIPT
local P=""
local T="relwithdebinfo"
cd $SRCDEST/eth-os/kde
[ -n "$1" ] && T=$1
for P in $(find -maxdepth 3 -name "$BUILDSCRIPT*"); do
echo "==> CHANGE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE in $P to $T"
mkpg_kdetype $1
Bah, what preview button :-) So there was no way I could type all that in without making some typos... if anyone catches any mistakes then let me know and I'll keep this post updated. Perhaps email anything direct to (yeah so I trust my spam filtering) rather than make this thread any longer than it has to be.
Last edited by markc (2008-06-26 10:56:38)
I think you need to update your exiv2 package to build kdegraphics. kdegraphics from svn builds fine with exiv2 0.17.1 ( on my machine, or do you have another problem building it as the one in the repo is a week old or so?
@pressh: I've tried manually building kdegrahics for the last 3 days and it's failed as shown below. My dev/exiv2 package is actually from svn, it just happens to have a $pkgver that has not been updated, so I'm at a loss why mine is failing and yours is building okay.
[ 65%] Building CXX object okular/CMakeFiles/okularpart.dir/kspeechinterface.o
Linking CXX shared module ../../../lib/
Linking CXX shared module ../lib/
[ 65%] Built target okularGenerator_djvu
[ 67%] Built target okularpart
make: *** [all] Error 2
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
What does your kdegraphics build show from 67% through to 70% ?
What does your kdegraphics build show from 67% through to 70% ?
okay, here is what the build shows from 67% - 70%:
Generating generator_chm.moc
Scanning dependencies of target okularGenerator_chmlib
[ 66%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/okularGenerator_chmlib_automoc.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/lib/lchmurlhandler.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/lib/libchmfile.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/lib/libchmfileimpl.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/lib/libchmfile_search.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/lib/libchmtextencoding.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/lib/libchmtocimage.o
[ 68%] Building CXX object okular/generators/chm/CMakeFiles/okularGenerator_chmlib.dir/generator_chm.o
Linking CXX shared module ../../../lib/
though, using exiv2 0.17.1-20080701 from your repo, the build fails later:
[ 89%] Building CXX object gwenview/lib/CMakeFiles/gwenviewlib.dir/jpegcontent.o
/home/ronald/kdegraphics/src/kdegraphics/gwenview/lib/jpegcontent.cpp: In member function 'QImage Gwenview::JpegContent::thumbnail() const':
/home/ronald/kdegraphics/src/kdegraphics/gwenview/lib/jpegcontent.cpp:504: error: 'class Exiv2::ExifData' has no member named 'copyThumbnail'
/home/ronald/kdegraphics/src/kdegraphics/gwenview/lib/jpegcontent.cpp: In member function 'void Gwenview::JpegContent::setThumbnail(const QImage&)':
/home/ronald/kdegraphics/src/kdegraphics/gwenview/lib/jpegcontent.cpp:525: error: 'class Exiv2::ExifData' has no member named 'setJpegThumbnail'
make[2]: *** [gwenview/lib/CMakeFiles/gwenviewlib.dir/jpegcontent.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [gwenview/lib/CMakeFiles/gwenviewlib.dir/all] Error 2
With an exiv2 0.17.1 stable package, the build completes fine, so there still must be either something wrong with your exiv2 package or current exiv2 svn is broken.
maybe you can try to build with 'make VERBOSE=1' to find out what is happening with your build?
Last edited by pressh (2008-07-02 05:46:34)
I'll just add that with your exiv2 package, gwenview crashes when trying to display any picture objects. With the "exiv2-0.17.1" release, gwenview works perfectly.
Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
checking package integrity...
(208/208) checking for file conflicts [#####################] 100%
error: could not prepare transaction
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/kde4/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/lib/ exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/share/apps/desktoptheme/Aya/dialogs/background.svg exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/share/apps/desktoptheme/Aya/dialogs/krunner.svg exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/share/apps/desktoptheme/Aya/dialogs/shutdowndialog.svg exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/share/apps/desktoptheme/Aya/metadata.desktop exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
ices/userfriendlyprovider.desktop exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/share/kde4/services/xkcdprovider.desktop exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
/opt/kdemod/share/kde4/servicetypes/plasma_comicprovider.desktop exists in both 'kdemod4-extragear-plasma-svn' and 'kdemod4-kdeplasmoids'
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
I tryed to install KDEmod4 (sudo pacman -S kdemod4-complete) but I got this error after download all the packages (I deleted more than half of the errors, but it's almost the same).
Anyone knows what to do?
(Arch-64 bits)
Last edited by Nomearod (2008-07-02 19:42:20)
I tryed to install KDEmod4 (sudo pacman -S kdemod4-complete) but I got this error after download all the packages (I deleted more than half of the errors, but it's almost the same).
Anyone knows what to do?
(Arch-64 bits)
you could use the force flag, assuming it gets fixed on next release.
Though, this thread is about kde-svn packages from markc his repo, not kdemod4 packages. The best place to ask for kdemod questions would be
this was a problem in the 64bit repo, got already fixed...
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
@pressh: doh, you are right. My stubborn insistence on using svn for everything messed up kdegraphics for the last week or two so my apologies to you, and anyone else using these packages, for not picking up on your input immediately. At least this particular source package will now build by itself (withou tneeding a svn wrapper script)...
I've been trying to make kmplayer work for flash in konqueror for quite a few days now.
I had to make a softlink for knpplayer because kmplayer was searching for a knpplayer4 executable which wasn't found
# ln -s /usr/bin/knpplayer /usr/bin/knpplayer4
Now kmplayer works again with latest flash.
I'm experiencing this problem with pacman -S kde-svn:
error: could not prepare transaction
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
kdesupport: /usr/bin/taglib-config exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/apefooter.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/apeitem.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/apetag.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/attachedpictureframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/audioproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/commentsframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/fileref.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/flacfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/flacproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/generalencapsulatedobjectframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v1genres.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v1tag.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2extendedheader.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2footer.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2frame.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2framefactory.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2header.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2synchdata.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/id3v2tag.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/mpcfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/mpcproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/mpegfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/mpegheader.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/mpegproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/oggfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/oggflacfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/oggpage.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/oggpageheader.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/relativevolumeframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/speexfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/speexproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tag.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tag_c.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/taglib.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/taglib_export.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tbytevector.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tbytevectorlist.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/textidentificationframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tlist.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tlist.tcc exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tmap.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tmap.tcc exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/trueaudiofile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/trueaudioproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tstring.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/tstringlist.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/uniquefileidentifierframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/unknownframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/unsynchronizedlyricsframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/urllinkframe.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/vorbisfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/vorbisproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/wavpackfile.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/wavpackproperties.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/xingheader.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/include/taglib/xiphcomment.h exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/taglib.pc exists in filesystem
kdesupport: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/taglib_c.pc exists in filesystem
kdelibs: /etc/xdg/menus/ exists in filesystem
/usr/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/apps/kmplayer.png exists in both 'kdebase' and 'extragear-multimedia'
/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/apps/kmplayer.png exists in both 'kdebase' and 'extragear-multimedia'
/usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/apps/kmplayer.png exists in both 'kdebase' and 'extragear-multimedia'
/usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/apps/kmplayer.png exists in both 'kdebase' and 'extragear-multimedia'
/usr/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/apps/kmplayer.png exists in both 'kdebase' and 'extragear-multimedia'
/usr/share/icons/oxygen/64x64/apps/kmplayer.png exists in both 'kdebase' and 'extragear-multimedia'
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Some questions:
Taglib is obviously already installed in the system since it's required by some other packages...I won't remove it. Forcing the installation will destabilize my system?
Second: "kdelibs: /etc/xdg/menus/ exists in filesystem" Will the installation of the new application menu destroy my clean and polite gnome menu adding all the new kde4 apps to it?
Third: kdebase and extragear-multimedia own the same files. Doesn't seem to be a problem if I will do a pacman -Syuf but maybe something has to be fixed?
Thanks Markc for your work.