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Will think about it, but now I have to concentrate on uni, got some exams to learn for :S
You know you're paranoid when you start thinking random letters while typing a password.
A good post about vim
Python has no multithreading.
Okay, since I still had some time, I changed it to be -a instead of -c
Then I tried: `pacbuilder --extra`
and well, -a was implied... seems like getopts is wrong
So.. I changed the argument parsing, you might wanna take a look at it, not sure if you like it, but the current way seems to be flawed.
getopts doesn't seem to care about --arguments, and also, you're doing `for EXTRA_FLAG in $@` but then call getopts with $@ again? Wouldn't that mean it's called with all arguments multiple times?
Also, until someone (or me hehe ) implements the search function (yes, I now know what it can be used for ^^), I added --match "some regex" (or -m "some regex")
mpf, had some stupid mistake in there, but I've done some other changes now too so I can't really give ya a patch now...
Been thinking about making it also list dependencies before starting to install stuff. That part does take time though since it has to download the pkgbuilds first. Done most of that, the only thing left now is to order the packages so that if you want to install A and B, where A needs B as dependency, (and you're doing it in exactly that order), then it would install B with --asdeps, then A then B without --asdeps (I think?)
Can't test it all atm.
Bah, actually I should be learning for 3 exams >.<
I hate it when ppl gimme links to things like pacbuilder in times like this
I just can't stop playing with it <.<
Last edited by Blµb (2008-06-21 16:24:35)
You know you're paranoid when you start thinking random letters while typing a password.
A good post about vim
Python has no multithreading.
@Cimi: Is it possible that, after using pacbuilder on core and extra repositories, I get an incorrect report when I subsequently use "pacman -Qdt" to show orphaned packages on my system?
This problem when running "pacman -Qdt" is currently being discussed in this thread, but I thought it worthwhile to pose the specific question to you here.
Several months ago I ran "pacman -Qdt" and got a list of 13 orphan packages. Two days ago I ran the same command and got a list of 133 orphan packages. The only change I remembered making in my system was running pacbuilder to rebuild core and extra. In fact, I ran pacbuilder twice on core.
I'm not at all "blaming" pacbuilder for anything; it works great for me. I'm just trying to understand why "pacman -Qdt" is now giving me such inflated results.
@Cimi: Is it possible that, after using pacbuilder on core and extra repositories, I get an incorrect report when I subsequently use "pacman -Qdt" to show orphaned packages on my system?
This problem when running "pacman -Qdt" is currently being discussed in this thread, but I thought it worthwhile to pose the specific question to you here.
Several months ago I ran "pacman -Qdt" and got a list of 13 orphan packages. Two days ago I ran the same command and got a list of 133 orphan packages. The only change I remembered making in my system was running pacbuilder to rebuild core and extra. In fact, I ran pacbuilder twice on core.
I'm not at all "blaming" pacbuilder for anything; it works great for me. I'm just trying to understand why "pacman -Qdt" is now giving me such inflated results.
This depends on pacman -U. Neither pacman nor pkg support local installation with -Qt, they both mark the packages as unrequired.
A fix would be to let pacbuilder create a custom local repository then install packages with pacman -S --config /etc/pacman-pacbuilder.conf package.
I'm currently out of time, but I'm accepting patches
O.K., thanks, Cimi. That explains what was going on. I verified this by removing one of the pacbuilder-installed packages which had appeared on my huge orphan list, then reinstalling it using "pacman -S". It's no longer considered an orphan.
I wish I were competent to produce a patch, but I'm afraid I'm just a lowly English teacher, not one of you code gurus. (I can diagram sentences, though ).
This isn't necessarily a big problem, anyway. It's a small tradeoff to lose the orphan-listing capability of pacman in order to get the custom-produced packages that pacbuilder produces.
That said, if anybody does produce a patch, I'll be happy to test it out.
Me again, with patches...
I screwed around with this thing a lot, done lots of changes now, maybe you're interested in one or two of them
thought I'd post it here (better than keeping it for myself ) … anges.diff
Changed commandline parsing (ran into some problems with the way it was before) - still works the same way, but the bugs I ran into are fixed
The -p / --pretend which I mentioned in previous posts
The -a / --confirm which was mentioned too
Then -m / --match <regex> to only install the packages which are matched by the regex
And finally -d / --deplist, which does a dep check -before- installing, and lists all the dependencies. It takes some time since it has to fetch the PKGBUILDs, but they're reused in the installation afterwards.
You know you're paranoid when you start thinking random letters while typing a password.
A good post about vim
Python has no multithreading.
i actually just used diff on revision 109
You know you're paranoid when you start thinking random letters while typing a password.
A good post about vim
Python has no multithreading.
hi Blµb,
I like your patch and I added it
PS. In little note, please use double space instead of tab
2 spaces, that's evil
but ok...
You know you're paranoid when you start thinking random letters while typing a password.
A good post about vim
Python has no multithreading.
Cimi (+ dev gang)
This is great. Made my evening.
Many thanks,
It seems nice. But I think that the script connects everytime that will build a package, because my ip gets blacklisted in rsync.
EDIT: Hmm, the script needs a bug fix - The abs tree needs to be in $BUILD_DIR, like that:
cp -rf /var/abs/core/* /var/build
cp -rf /var/abs/community/* /var/build
etc etc etc
Last edited by alexmgarcia (2008-07-31 15:20:41)
Due to the actual rsync abs limitations I'm having a hard time rebuilding my system (pacbuilder can't fetch the PKGBUILDs). I tried using a recent abs snapshot and copied the content of all directories from /var/abs/ to /var/pacbuilder (configured in /etc/pacbuilder.conf). I now have a flat directory structure with all packages and their PKGBUILDs under /var/pacbuilder (e.g. /var/pacbuilder/acpid/). BUT pacbuilder isn't using the already provided PKGBUILDs but still trying to fetch them on his own (which fails). Therefore I suggest these additions:
- a command line switch to use the PKGBUILDs from abs (expecting a recent abs structure) or a fallback function to use them if they are unfetchable
- a command line switch to DON'T delete the source and package files after building and installing a package (even if I create the package on my own using makepkg, pacbuilder fails to use it and deletes the whole stuff)
- a command line switch to create a local repository of the created packages
What do you think about this?
a metaphysical space of solitude and sanctity:
what fonts are you using for your terminal?
... (i have to learn to read )
Last edited by qstreb (2008-11-15 11:48:52)
the problem was the rsync server
bad security guys
Last edited by qstreb (2008-11-15 11:13:59)
I also cant get it to not ask me for confirmations, there should be a trick how this
" -n, --noconfirm do not ask for any confirmation" does work
/usr/bin/pacbuilder -n -S -b -v texmacs
PacBuilder, by Andrea Cimitan
The following packages will be built:
==> texmacs
==> Building texmacs [package 1 of 1] ... depends on texlive-core!
Do you want to continue? (Y/n):
and so on
I decided to give Arch Linux a go on my Samsung nc10 (Atom cpu), but i have really hard time how to make it work correctly
I just want that my real PC, produce all the new packages with the optimal CFLAGS for the ATOM
then I need to keep track on these when updating, so every update should be first compiled
I've thought that the correct tool is srcpac , it can flags what is to be rebuild etc
sadly it doesnt work right now … 14#p449414
Is the pacbuilder THE correct tool for this job using the " (-S) -u, --sysupgrade build the updated packages" ?
thanks for the good job
I hope it can walk the road to the core, as there is real need for such a tool
Best wishes
P.S. after I do "pacbuilder --world -n -v", what is the easiest way to reinstall all the produces packages?
Last edited by qstreb (2008-11-15 11:14:39)
I hate to ask, but could someone please explain the basics. And maybe suggest some commands to run, to make the system improve upon the pacbuilder prosess.
This tool is GREAT!
There is 2 questions that I wanna ask.
Q1.If some packages have been upgraded, for instance from the core repo that I have used pacbuilder to recompile, then I need to recompile them again. So could pacbuilder do something auto check about this and notify me which package needs recompiled before the next time I start pacbuilder?
Q2.I think it is better for pacbuilder has an feature to export the pkgs out, which maybe see as a backup method if we need rolling back or just for building a local repo for the next fresh installation of Arch on other computers with same specifications or just for a quick reinstallation.
Thank you Cimi for this awesome tool!
Okay... I have found a little silly solution to my Q1, which is just make a very small bash script runing in cron everyday whose task is output the /var/log/pacman.log to some other file (of course grep the upgraded informations from it):
/bin/echo "<====== Upgraded info | `date +%F` =======>" >> /home/andywxy/pkg-info/upgraded-recent
/bin/cat /var/log/pacman.log | /bin/grep `date +%F` | /bin/grep upgraded >> /home/andywxy/pkg-info/upgraded-recent
So when the next time I start pacbuilder I will have a look at this record.
Hope don't laught at me... Im only a noob in both Arch&bash
Nice script, finally I can feel Gentoo-badass again.
Two things, though:
1) You should not have to call pacbuilder as root if you only want to display help or gcc info.
2) Even though I'm using --noconfirm, I still have to confirm every time Pacbuilder wants to install a dependency, I don't think that's desired behavior, is it?
Nice script, finally I can feel Gentoo-badass again.
Two things, though:
1) You should not have to call pacbuilder as root if you only want to display help or gcc info.
2) Even though I'm using --noconfirm, I still have to confirm every time Pacbuilder wants to install a dependency, I don't think that's desired behavior, is it?
2)no it isn't, maybe the other devs messed it up.
unfortunately I'm quite busy, but if you want (or someone else) to continue fixing bugs for this project I may add you to the developer page @google code