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Wow, nice bird! Where did you get it from (I mean, the photograph)?
I've no idea, really. I didn't take the photograph.
I can upload it for you, if you want.
That would be nice, something different on my desktop.
Yeah, I did it because of the background too. Unfortunately I don't remember where it's from. But I've uploaded the image to imageshack:
Last edited by Berticus (2008-06-30 15:49:10)
! 0: black
*color0: #242424
*color8: #242424
! 1: red
*color1: #9f6767
*color9: #9f6767
! 2: green
*color2: #92ac68
*color10: #92ac68
! 3: yellow
*color3: #d0d293
*color11: #d0d293
! 4: blue
*color4: #9aacc3
*color12: #9aacc3
! 5: magenta
*color5: #bb77a4
*color13: #bb77a4
! 6: cyan
*color6: #77bbb5
*color14: #77bbb5
! 7: white
*color7: #777777
*color15: #777777
! Xterm
xterm*font: -*-proggysquare-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xterm*boldMode: false
xterm*background: #242424
xterm*foreground: #777777
! URxvt
urxvt*font: -*-proggyclean-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
urxvt*boldFont: -*-proggycleansz-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
urxvt*depth: 32
urxvt*background: [85]#242424
urxvt*foreground: #777777
urxvt.scrollBar: false
urxvt.internalBorder: 1
Vim uses the default color theme.
Thanks very much!
Cthulhu For President!
Oh come on guys, she's not that beautiful.....
I was more enthralled by the equations in the back ground no really.. XD
ARCH64 | XMonad | Configs | myAURpkgs | ArchWiki Contribs | Screenies
Just a reminder, please do not post NSFW thumbnails or images. Rather, a link and NSFW warning are required.
Just a reminder, please do not post NSFW thumbnails or images. Rather, a link and NSFW warning are required.
Sorry, missed the guidelines.
links to the actual images (imageshack likes shrinking stuff ): … rowser.png
Xmonad with a custom emacs-like config + custom color theme for everything, based on bruenig's. xmobar setup based on oxymor00n's.
Also, first post.
Kde, konsole, Opera, and Opera prefrences. I named the Opera theme Mint. It's a modified version of the MeGuiDdo theme.
Although I can do most everything from a gui, it's sometimes easier to just work from a console. This is kde, Conky, and Quadkonsole set to open six konsoles.
woops, I realized i'm not supose to directly link to images on, so I removed the thumbs.
Last edited by Leigh (2008-06-29 07:52:15)
-- archlinux 是一个极好的 linux。
Offline … …
links to the actual images (imageshack likes shrinking stuff ): … rowser.pngXmonad with a custom emacs-like config + custom color theme for everything, based on bruenig's. xmobar setup based on oxymor00n's.
Also, first post.
Welcome! And please share your xmonad.hs with us.
moljac024 wrote:Oh come on guys, she's not that beautiful.....
Maybe not, but she has random physics equations behind her, thus amplifying her beauty.
Sounds like what a fat nerdy chick would tell herself. "I know physics and that makes me beautiful!"
Are you people loony? She's definitely not fat, and she's definitely not bad-looking by any sane standards.
She's not fat, she's handsome but the face I don't like
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...
I think if she weren't so heavily made up, she would look better... But I'm not complaining...
Maybe I should actually post a screenshot in one of these posts...
Yeah, I did it because of the background too. Unfortunately I don't remember where it's from. But I've uploaded the image to imageshack:
Here's another one:NSFW … 61.....jpg
I really don't see the point in posting stuff like that in this forum. I'm all for freedom of expression, but...people of all ages and backgrounds use this forum. If I have start worrying about what my son might see HERE of all places, then I think someone, somewhere is just not thinking straight.
I normally don't complain about stuff like this, but I'm beginning to see a trend in this thread the past couple of months (particularly from newcomers) and frankly it's disappointing.
thayer williams ~
sirmacik is that an mpd plugin for xmobar?
It's just a command to get status from mpc.
Here is my .xmobarrc:
Config { font = "-misc-clean*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, bgColor = "#1c1c1c"
, fgColor = "#C4C4C4"
, position = Top
, commands = [ Run Cpu ["-L","3","-H","50","--normal","#429942","--high","#A36666"] 10
, Run Memory ["-t","Mem: <usedratio>%"] 10
, Run Swap [] 10
, Run Date "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M" "date" 10
, Run StdinReader
, Run Com "mpc" ["|head -n 1"] "mpc" 10
, sepChar = "%"
, alignSep = "}{"
, template = " %StdinReader% }{| %mpc% | %cpu% | %memory% | %swap% <fc=#D7AF87>%date%</fc>"
Wow, one person posts something with some nudity, and it's considered a trend? I mean sure there was one other person that posted some skin, but that didn't have any nudity at all. I haven't checked out the other threads, but at least for this one (lasts just one month), it seems there's only one person who posted something that I would at least consider nudity. One nude picture in month is hardly a trend.
Now, of course you're free to censor anything on the web from your son, but I think you may be a little too paranoid about what's out there. If you're afraid of here, wait until you visit google! I mean even with the most strict censorship turned on, you get more than what I posted. Don't ask why, but I do indeed have the most strict censorship turned on, and you see there I still got those images.
And what I posted was really just borderline nudity. Just think about it, the only thing you see in that image is a pair of breasts. That's it. It's not like there are people doing adult activities or even the female reproductive organ. All you get are breasts. Nothing more than what movies nowadays show. I mean take a look at the Graduate. They show the same thing I'm showing: breasts. Wanna know the rating on that film? It's USA:PG. A USA:PG rating means it's a family movie. You're even allowed to show it to an audience consisting of all under 13 year olds. It seems you're putting breasts too much on a pedestal. Making it this sacred thing your son isn't allowed to see. Now a more southern region is more understandable, but breasts?
It may just be that I'm not a parent, but the way I see it, your son either doesn't really care about seeing a woman naked, or there's nothing that'll stop him from seeing a naked one.
Also, nobody sets you up so that you have to worry, you do that on your own. There's a post asking how people decorate their desktop and people make contribution. Some people just happen to have something you consider inappropriate for your son (does he even roam these forums?). You could equally complain about ingvildr's post. How does that contribute to anything?
Personally, and I'm probably the only one, I think you're setting up yourself up to be worried and disappointed. Sure it was bad that I posted a thumbnail of breasts and should've just posted a link. But even then, people will see them at their own discretion.
By the way, the reason newcombers are more likely to post stuff like this is because you increase the audience.
Also, if you're son is at the stage where he's curious about these topics and you're not ready to address them, then you weren't ready to be a parent. Not saying you should be absolutely ready right away, but you should be ready by the time he gets curious. The protection against curiosity isn't censorship, but knowledge.
Last edited by Berticus (2008-06-29 21:15:13)
thanks sirmacik
no problem ;]