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First of all, hello to the Archlinux community!
This is my first day of Archlinux, I have used ubuntu for about 1,5 years before. I got most of everything set up the way I wanted, but I can not play a lot of games because I am missing a lot of libraries. For example, Warsow depends on libcurl, but I can not find any libcurl package in the repositories! Is it just me or, why does Arch not have too many libraries in the repos? Where can I find them all?
Last edited by FruitieX (2008-07-06 16:59:15)
Right, that fetches me the curl program, but I can not find the library "" anywhere
BTW: In Debian it used to be apt-get install libcurl
Last edited by FruitieX (2008-07-03 14:55:34)
Right, that fetches me the curl program, but I can not find the library "" anywhere
That's because you don't have, you have
$ ls /usr/lib/libcurl.*
/usr/lib/libcurl.a /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
$ pacman -Qo /usr/lib/libcurl.*
/usr/lib/libcurl.a is owned by curl 7.18.2-1
/usr/lib/ is owned by curl 7.18.2-1
/usr/lib/ is owned by curl 7.18.2-1
/usr/lib/ is owned by curl 7.18.2-1
Your app (Warsow in the case) seems to be built against an old version we no longer provide.
We don't divide up our packages by some strange division like "curl libraries in this package (libcurl), docs in this package (curl-docs), headers in this package (curl-dev), and binary in this package (curl)" - we provide ONE package, curl, that has everything in it.
Oh, I see. Thanks for the help
I got another problem with libraries, actually dependencies but most of them are libraries anyway .
When I try to run Stepmania 4.0, it gives me this error:
[rasse@fruitiex-laptop ~]$ /home/rasse/Games/StepMania/stepmania
bash: /home/rasse/Games/StepMania/stepmania: No such file or directory
It is most probably a library missing somewhere, but why does it not tell me which library? Is there any way to see which lib is missing, altho there are no arguments you can pass it at the command line? (And the documentation for Stepmania is quite crappy...)
I know Ubuntu did tell me which lib was missing.
Just to note this: It's not only Stepmania complaining "No such file or directory" when something is missing at runtime. In fact, two other games do. Penumbra: Black Plague and Toribash.
Why does that happen, and why don't they tell me what is missing like they used to in other distributions?
Sorry for triplepost
You are trying to mix architectures, right? You'll need lib32 packages in order to run 32bit programs on x86_64.
It's not a case of lib missing, just file not found. Check whether the path you provided is true
cd ~/Games
cd StepMania
Show us the output of that commands.
Also when you are in the StepMania's dir issue a
(if there is such file)
My victim you are meant to be
No, you cannot hide nor flee
You know what I'm looking for
Pleasure your torture, I will endure...
I am at work at the moment, but am sure that the stepmania binary exists. I have tried to cd to Games, then cd to StepMania and then exec ./stepmania, but I get the same error. I can even type just "step" and then press tab and it will fill in the path, so the file exists for sure!
Are you running 64bit (x86_64) version of Arch? My guess is that the binaries are of 32bit so won't work on your system with installing lib32 packages.
Look in the AUR for a PKGBUILD for stepmania that will work on x86_64 and get all the dependancies in there.
Cool, thanks. Will do
Pierre and Allan, thank you a LOT for mentioning the 32bit libs!
Now the binaries at least output what is missing, so I can hunt the down the deps.
Once again, thank you for helping out!
You just made another Arch Linux newbie happy.
Edit: Now, what is the best way to install the 32-bit version of libpixmap into a 64-bit Arch Linux install?
Last edited by FruitieX (2008-07-06 15:44:03)
It's probably horribly wrong, but this made Warsow work here:
sudo pacman -S curl; cd /usr/lib; sudo ln -s
Offline … w/PKGBUILD
Use the abs system to download the PKGBUILD and then build/compile/link to, which is done during compile time BTW.
Last edited by rooloo (2008-07-21 12:56:38)
It's probably horribly wrong, but this made Warsow work here:
sudo pacman -S curl; cd /usr/lib; sudo ln -s
Yes, that is horrible wrong. Just grab the PKGBUILD and rebuild it instead. Oh, and post a bug report if there insn't one already.
Problem: Oh crap, not found!
Suggestion: Symlink to one is also dumb. It's not even a valid workaround. It's stupidly simple to fix this one. Check you have the latest, if you do, file a bug. We rebuild and it'll work when your mirror syncs. In the meantime, there's /var/abs and you can rebuild. 95% of the packages in the repos will rebuild in ~5-10 minutes. Make a cup of coffee, go to the loo, whatever. If you can spare time for a forum post, you can spare time to rebuild it.
Edit: ^source^
Last edited by Mr.Elendig (2008-07-21 13:02:36)
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