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See title. It can be fixed by adding "-D_GNU_SOURCE" to the CFLAGS in the MAKEFILE. I used diff and patch to patch the makefile automatically, but berhaps someone knows a better way to do this. If you're lazy and think this is the right way, my patchfile looks like this:
< CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror -g $(DEFS)
> CFLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Werror -g $(DEFS)
My build-section in the PKGBUILD looks like this:
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
patch Makefile < ../gcc-4.3-patch.diff
/usr/bin/make || return 1
...and so on (it't the one from ABS).
Please submit a bug report if it hasn't been done already.
I reported the bug upstream. Should i still file a bug report for the Makefile or do you just wait for the new version to come out, as there is a precompiled and working version available?
I reported the bug upstream. Should i still file a bug report for the Makefile or do you just wait for the new version to come out, as there is a precompiled and working version available?
Yes. That way the maintainer for that package will be aware of this problem and of the needed fix.