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#1 2008-07-12 01:52:55

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 15


I recently installed ruby-wmii after reading about what it adds.

Most everything works. But many things have been broken.

- Modkey-Return no longer brings up urxvt
-- For this I looked in wmiirc-config.rb at the keybindings and wmiirrc (from before I installed ruby-wmii) and everything looks the same (albeit in different syntaxes)
- my transparent urxvt blink whenever I do anything wmii related (change tabs, add another urxvt to the tab, etc)
-- turning off urxvt's transparency, shading, and fading in .Xdefaults fixes the problem but I would really prefer it with them
EDIT: -- I've figured out that even with default wmii it blinks just with default wmii its's bery fast.
EDIT: --- I assume that its just updating and with ruby-wmii it is slower when it updatesc
- Modkey-shift-# (# being a tag I want to send something to) no longer works as it should with some programs (firefox for example)
-- with urxvt it works fine but with firefox all it does is makes it so firefox is seen in both the current and the new tag. I want it so it is moved like what it use to do
- feh no longer will set the background.

All this problems cropped up after installing ruby-wmii and ssid. If worse comes to worst I'll just remove ruby-wmii and ssid and use the sh script again. I think I'm noticing ruby-wmii acting slower then plain wmii but that probably is ny mind waiting for various key codes that are broken to work... the darn key codes have spoiled me. hmm

Also: OpenOffice won't work with ruby-wmii or normal wmii. It says " no suitable windowing system found, exiting." neutral (This is not a biggie. I can just use Abiword but I would prefer OpenOffice and want to know if there is a way to make it work)

Last edited by tadada (2008-07-12 11:02:52)


#2 2008-07-18 13:44:43

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-06-06
Posts: 39

Re: Ruby-wmii

I'm a newbie, too.

Modkey-Return no longer brings up urxvt

I had to change:

 plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "x-terminal-emulator"
 plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "urxvt -tr"

Also: OpenOffice won't work with ruby-wmii or normal wmii. It says " no suitable windowing system found, exiting."

Does it work with any other WM/DE?

You could post your wmiirc-config.rb, here is mine:

# {{{ ======== ruby-wmii CONFIGURATION BEGINS HERE ==============
# Set the log level
# It defaults to Logger::INFO.
# Set to Logger::DEBUG for extra verbosity.
#LOGGER.level = Logger::DEBUG

# programs to run when wmiirc starts
# one per line, they're run sequentially right before the main loop begins
eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg`

WMII::Configuration.define do
  border      1
  font        '-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
  focuscolors '#FFFFFF #18185A #4c7899'
  normcolors  '#888888 #000000 #333333'  
  grabmod     'Mod1'
  rules <<EOF
/Kdict.*/ -> dict
/XMMS.*/ -> ~
/Gimp.*/ -> ~
/imagemagick.*/ -> ~
/nxclient.*/ -> ~
/MPlayer.*/ -> ~
/XForm.*/ -> ~
/XSane.*/ -> ~
/fontforge.*/ -> ~
/gtk-chtheme.*/ -> ~
/Firefox.*/ -> Internet
/gimv.*/ -> ~
/w3m.*/ -> Internet  
/mutt.*/ -> Mail
/epdfview.*/ -> PDF
/mocp.*/ -> Musik
/streamripper.*/ -> Musik
/.*/ -> !
/.*/ -> 1

  # Translate the following names in the on_key and use_binding definitions.
  key_subs  :MODKEY  => :Mod1,
            :MODKEY2 => :Mod4,
            :LEFT    => :h,
            :RIGHT   => :l,
            :UP      => :k,
            :DOWN    => :j

  # Constant used by the intellisort tag selection mechanism
  # set it to   0.0 <= value <= 1.0
  # Lower values make recent choices more likely (modified first order
  # markovian process with exponential decay):
  # 0.0 means that only the last transition counts (all others forgotten)
  # 1.0 means that the probabilities aren't biased to make recent choices more
  #     likely
  view_history_decay 0.8

  # Favor the view we came from in intellisort.
  # 1.0: that view is the first choice
  # 0.0: that view comes after all views with non-zero transition probability,
  #      but before all views we haven't yet jumped to from the current one
  view_history_prev_bias 0.4

  dmenu_options %(-b -fn "#{font}" -nf "#{normcolors.split[0]}" -nb "#{normcolors.split[1]}" -sf "#{focuscolors.split[0]}" -sb "#{focuscolors.split[1]}")

  # {{{ Plugin config
  # Uncomment and change to override default on_click actions for the status
  # bar
  #plugin_config["standard:status"]["left_click_action"] = lambda{ system "xeyes" }
  #plugin_config["standard:status"]["right_click_action"] = lambda{ system "xeyes" }
  #plugin_config["standard:status"]["middle_click_action"] = lambda{ system "xeyes" }
  plugin_config["standard:status"]["refresh_time"] = 1
  # Uncomment and change to override default text
  #currload = nil{ loop { currload = `uptime`.chomp.sub(/.*: /,"").gsub(/,/,""); sleep 10 } }
  #plugin_config["standard:status"]["text_proc"] = lambda do
  #  "{"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")} {currload}"

  plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "urxvt -tr"

  plugin_config["standard:actions"]["history_size"] = 3  # set to 0 to disable
  plugin_config["standard:programs"]["history_size"] = 5 # set to 0 to disable

  plugin_config["standard:volume"]["mixer"] = "Master"
  plugin_config["standard:mode"]["mode_toggle_keys"] = ["MODKEY2-space"]

  plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["statefile"] = 
  plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["infofile"] =
  plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["low"] = 5
  plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["low_action"] =
      'echo "Low battery" | xmessage -center -buttons quit:0 -default quit -file -'
  plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["critical"] = 1
  plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["critical_action"] =
      'echo "Critical battery" | xmessage -center -buttons quit:0 -default quit -file -'

  # Allows you to override the default internal actions and define new ones:
  #  "screenshot" => nil,    # remove default screenshot action
  #  "google" => lambda do |wmii, *selection|
  #    require 'cgi'
  #    if selection && !selection.empty?
  #      selection = CGI.escape(selection.join(" "))
  #    else
  #      selection = CGI.escape(%!#{`sselp`.strip}!)
  #    end
  #    url = "{selection}"
  #    case browser = ENV["BROWSER"]
  #    when nil: system "ssid /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser '#{url}' &"
  #    else system "ssid #{browser} '#{url}' &"
  #    end
  #  end,
  #  "foo" => lambda do |wmii, *args|
  #    IO.popen("xmessage -file -", "w"){|f| f.puts "Args: #{args.inspect}"; f.close_write }
  #  end

  # {{{ Import bindings and bar applets
  from "standard"  do
    use_feature "tag-bar"

    use_bar_applet "volume", 60
  #use_bar_applet "mode", 900
    use_bar_applet "status", 100
  #use_bar_applet "cpuinfo", 150
    use_bar_applet "mpd", 50  #110
  #use_bar_applet "battery-monitor"

    use_binding "dict-lookup"
    use_binding "execute-program-with-tag"
    use_binding "execute-action"
    use_binding "execute-program"
    (0..9).each{|k| use_binding "numeric-jump-#{k}"  }
    use_binding "detag"
    use_binding "tag-jump"
    use_binding "retag"
    use_binding "retag-jump"
    use_binding "namespace-retag"
    use_binding "namespace-retag-jump"
    (('a'..'z').to_a+('0'..'9').to_a).each{|k| use_binding "letter-jump-#{k}" }
    (0..9).each{|k| use_binding "numeric-retag-#{k}" }
    (('a'..'z').to_a+('0'..'9').to_a).each{|k| use_binding "letter-retag-#{k}" }
    use_binding "move-prev"
    use_binding "move-next"
    use_binding "namespace-move-prev"
    use_binding "namespace-move-next"
    use_binding "history-move-forward"
    use_binding "history-move-back"

    use_binding "bookmark"
    use_binding "bookmark-open"
    use_feature "bookmark:actions"
# Mail-Plugin
  from "temporaer at gmx dot de" do
   use_bar_applet "msgs"

  # {{{ bookmark import
  #plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = 'myusername'
  #plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = 'mypass'
  ## Before setting the sync mode to :bidirectional, make sure
  ## that your bookmarks.txt file contains all the bookmarks you want to keep,
  ## because all the bookmarks not listed there will be deleted!
  ## You can import your bookmarks by setting it to
  ## :unidirectional and reloading wmiirc ("ALT-a wmiirc" by default).
  ## Allow some time for the bookmarks to be downloaded (wait until you see
  ## "Done importing bookmarks from" in
  ## $HOME/.wmii-3.5/wmiirc.log). You can then change the mode to :bidirectional
  ## and reload wmiirc. From that point on, the bookmark lists will be
  ## synchronized, so local modifications will be propagated to,
  ## and if you remove a bookmark locally it will also be deleted on
  #plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = :bidirectional
  #plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = true

  ## Sets the encoding used to:
  #  * store the bookmark descriptions in bookmarks.txt
  #  * present choices through dmenu
  # Please make sure your bookmarks.txt uses the appropriate encoding before
  # setting the next line. If you had already imported bookmarks from
  #, they will be stored UTF-8, so you might want to
  #   recode utf-8..NEW_ENCODING bookmarks.txt
  # If left to nil, bookmarks imported from will be in UTF-8, and
  # those created locally will be in the encoding specified by your locale.
  #plugin_config["standard:bookmark"]["encoding"] = 'KOI8-R'

  # Allows you to override the default bookmark protocols and define new ones:
  #  'http' => nil,    # remove default http protocol
  #  'ssh' => {
  #    :open_urls => lambda do |wmii,bms|
  #     term = wmii.plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] || "urxvt"
  #      bms.each do |bm|
  #        uri = bm[:uri]
  #        ssh_host =
  #        ssh_host = "#{uri.user}@" + ssh_host unless uri.user.nil?
  #        ssh_port = "-p #{uri.port}" unless uri.port.nil?
  #        system "ssid #{term} -T '#{bm[:bm].url}' -e 'ssh #{ssh_host} #{ssh_port} || read' &"
  #      end
  #    end,
  #    :get_title => lambda do |wmii,uri|
  #      title =
  #      title = "#{uri.user}@" + title unless uri.user.nil?
  #      title << ":#{uri.port.to_s}" unless uri.port.nil?
  #      title
  #    end
  #  },
  #  'pdf' => {
  #    :open_urls => lambda do |wmii,bms|
  #      bms.each do |bm|
  #        path = URI.unescape(bm[:uri].path)
  # "Opening #{path} with xpdf."
  #        system "ssid xpdf '#{path}' &"
  #      end
  #    end,
  #    :get_title => lambda do |wmii,uri|
  #      fname = File.basename(URI.unescape(uri.to_s)).gsub(/\.\S+$/,"")
  #      [fname, fname.downcase, fname.capitalize]
  #    end
  #  }

  # {{{ Tag all browser instances as 'web' in addition to the current tag
  browsers = %w[Firefox Konqueror Minefield]
  browser_re = /^#{browsers.join("|")}/
  on_createclient(condition{|c| browser_re =~ read("/client/#{c}/props")}) do |cid|
    write("/client/#{cid}/tags", "+web")

  # {{{ Simpler key bindings --- not defined in plugins
  on_key("MODKEY-LEFT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select left" }
  on_key("MODKEY-RIGHT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select right" }
  on_key("MODKEY-DOWN"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select down" }
  on_key("MODKEY-UP"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select up" }
  on_key("MODKEY-space"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select toggle" }
  on_key("MODKEY-d"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "colmode sel default" }
  on_key("MODKEY-s"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "colmode sel stack" }
  on_key("MODKEY-m"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "colmode sel max" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Return") do 
    term = plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] || "urxvt"
    system "#{term} &"
  on_key("MODKEY-Shift-LEFT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel left" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Shift-RIGHT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel right" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Shift-DOWN"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel down" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Shift-UP"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel up" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Shift-space"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel toggle" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Shift-c"){ write "/client/sel/ctl", "kill" }
  on_key("MODKEY-r"){ view prev_view }
  on_key("MODKEY-Control-LEFT") { write "/tag/sel/ctl", "swap sel left" }
  on_key("MODKEY-Control-RIGHT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "swap sel right" }
  on_key("MODKEY2-m") {
                system("rm ~/.events")
                system("urxvt -tr -e mutt &")

  on_key("MODKEY2-w") {
        system("urxvt -tr -e w3m &")

# Hack to tag "next" window from shell or elsewhere
  @nexttag = ""
  register("NextWindowTags", nil, nil) {|tag,| @nexttag = tag }
  on_createclient do |cid|
    if @nexttag != ""
        write("/client/#{cid}/tags", @nexttag )
        @nexttag = ""

  # {{{ ======== CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE ==============

It is what you make it. Even if you don't know what to make it.


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