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#1 2003-06-10 14:56:17

From: Edmonton, Alberta
Registered: 2003-02-15
Posts: 61

laptop install via laptop


I want to do an Ftp install of archlinux using my laptop's built in network card. I've tried doing a modprobe of e100 (intel built in nic on the laptop) and it's not finding the module. So is there a way to load this module? Am i missing something? The documentation doesn't cover doing an ftp install with a laptop at all.

'preciate it.

I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him...  "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.


#2 2003-06-10 18:00:30

From: Connecticut
Registered: 2003-06-05
Posts: 21

Re: laptop install via laptop

I dunno, your're using the floppies right?  I didn't have any trouble getting my card detected, I don't see any modules listed that fit the description e100.

I see the driver on the net, but I don't see it as one of the modules on the disk... That'll make it hard to install sad


#3 2003-06-10 19:46:24

From: Victoria, BC, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 771

Re: laptop install via laptop

IF you're using the floppies, make sure you load the modules disk with the loadmods command:

# loadmods /dev/floppy/0

The module name you're probably looking for is eepro100, not e100.

# modprobe eepro100



#4 2004-01-05 22:31:18

Registered: 2002-11-18
Posts: 66

Re: laptop install via laptop

Well, I installed Fedora (yech) a few weeks ago and it reported my nic as e100 also, when I try modprobe eepro100 I get a no such device method.
The nic is being found at boot because the pci file in /proc shows it, can I tell from that what module to install?


#5 2004-01-05 23:50:36

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: laptop install via laptop

sasdav wrote:

Well, I installed Fedora (yech) a few weeks ago and it reported my nic as e100 also, when I try modprobe eepro100 I get a no such device method.
The nic is being found at boot because the pci file in /proc shows it, can I tell from that what module to install?

e100 or eepro100 depends mostly in what kernel do you use --- in most cases both work nice, but there are some special chipsets (like mine), that works on a 2.6.x much better with eepro100 and on 2.4.x much better with e100 (actually eepro100 do not work at all on 2.4.21 and 2.4.22, but on 2.4.23 and .24)

i dont know what fedora has as kernel, but  you should also this variable compare

"if in doubt, use knoppix :-) "

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#6 2004-01-05 23:55:14

Registered: 2002-11-18
Posts: 66

Re: laptop install via laptop

Actually, I'm using 2.4.21 because I'm trying to install AL from the boot cd.  Any idea which of the supplied drivers I should use?


#7 2004-01-09 20:56:05

Registered: 2002-11-18
Posts: 66

Re: laptop install via laptop

I guess not, huh?
Interestingly, Onebase also uses 2.4.21, and it includes e100 which works just fine on my machine.


#8 2004-04-17 12:13:53

From: Norway
Registered: 2003-11-14
Posts: 20

Re: laptop install via laptop

Having the same problem. I can't make my ethernet card (intel pro 100, e100.o/eepro100.o) work with any distro (mandrake, suse, arch).
Suse actually comes as far as saying the module loaded, but want's some parameters (wich I don't know).
If you have got it working, please let me know  :?


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