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Hi, I am kinda a newbie to this CVS thing. I know its used as a revision system so that developers can have access to the same files, but I want to know how it can be used to install and update software FROM repositories. Specifically, I was trying to install blitz++ on my system and the only method given was through CVS.
On the website, they say to input the following 2 lines.
cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P modulename
I installed CVS according to the Arch-wiki and did everything that was written there. But I want to know under what user I should type these 2 commands, my own user, root or the cvs user? Also, does this update the software I install( blitz++ in this case) automatically?
Last edited by sidc (2008-07-19 03:56:29)
You can download and build as a regular user, then install as root. Or, you can use the AUR package:
Umm, the one in the AUR is severly outdated. Thats why I am using the CVS. But I need some help with it as to how to go about it.
Sorry about that. It was actually obvious... too obvious for me! I don't know if this works properly, but it will build. This, hopefully, is what a working CVS version looks like. You want to install versionpkg if you haven't already and run versionpkg instead of makepkg.
pkgdesc="C++ Class library for scientific computing"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
cvs -z3 -d $_cvsroot co -D $pkgver -f $_cvsmod
cd $startdir/src/blitz
autoreconf -fiv
# Install license
install -D -m644 LICENSE $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
./configure CXX=g++ --prefix=/usr --enable-64bit
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
Last edited by skottish (2008-09-29 02:12:38)
Thank you very much for the package build. But, what I wanted mainly was to understand CVS(wanted to write the pkgbuild myself ) and whether it can autoupdate my binary by patching when needed or does it just update the source code? Should I recompile everytime there is a change? I wanted to understand those cvs-specific commands you used in the pkgbuild.
Anyway, thanks again for the build. I appreciate it
(Oh and sorry if this is too obvious, I'm a newbie at this )
Last edited by sidc (2008-07-19 03:39:17)
You can update the source tree through CVS but not the binary. You'll need to recompile every time. And you're welcome.
Pages: 1