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After upgrading my findutils from 4.2.33-1 to 4.4.0-1, it is not working the way it used to. I downgraded to the old one and it is working fine again. However, I am wondering why the newer version can't do what I want it to...
Typically I run the following script to apply mp3gain to my music collection (albums and individual songs):
echo Albums...
find . -mindepth 3 -iname '*.mp3' -execdir mp3gain -k -a {} +
echo Single tracks...
find . -maxdepth 2 -iname '*.mp3' -exec mp3gain -k -r {} +
On the old version, for the albums, the "find" function works as expected by examining the entire album before applying gain. With the new findutils version, the albums are being analysed song-by-song. I suppose since the new version of findutils, there is just a different method to do what I wanted before with -execdir. Does anyone know how to do it on the new version?
Last edited by tony5429 (2008-07-19 06:29:41)
This is indeed so, it seems:
For a new approach, it depends what mp3gain can do. Maybe
for album in */*; do
( cd "$album"; mp3gain -k -a *.mp3 )
Cool. Thanks for the suggestion. I ended up going with...
echo Albums...
for album in */*
cd "$album" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? = 0 ]
mp3gain -k -a *.mp3
cd ..
cd ..
echo Single tracks...
find . -maxdepth 2 -iname '*.mp3' -exec mp3gain -k -r {} +
exit 0