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I know about and have posted on Fly Spray for this, but I need FAAC to work today. I'm not having any luck getting the libmp4v2 patch to work. It looks like the PKGBUILD patch already made into the PKGBUILD. Anyone that has successfully gotten mp4 functionality back into FAAC, please post and let me know what you did.
[cool_side_note]Robert Swain with FFmpeg has made huge strides in their internal AAC decoder, and Kostya is coding their encoder. FAAC and FAAD are about to become obsolete![/cool_side_note]
Last edited by skottish (2008-07-19 21:47:26)
Have you checked how Gentoo does it? Maybe they have a newer patch.
That was my bug report about faac. The package has never been updated and PKGBUILD in ABS does not actually apply the associated libmp4v2.patch but the libmp4v2.patch file and PKGBUILD patch posted by Mike_Wey ( worked for me.
Have you checked how Gentoo does it? Maybe they have a newer patch.
No, I'll try that next if I can't get the libmp4v2 patch to work.
That was my bug report about faac. The package has never been updated and PKGBUILD in ABS does not actually apply the associated libmp4v2.patch but the libmp4v2.patch file and PKGBUILD patch posted by Mike_Wey ( worked for me.
Well, it looks as if half of the packbuild patch made it in, but that one works anyhow. The other one fails. I'm going to try again to track down where it's failing and why. If I can't, I'll try Snowman's advice.
Thanks for the help. I'll come back when I find out more.
There's something strange that I'm missing here. The patch looks like this (copy and past hosed the spacing. I fixed it):
--- faac/ 2006-08-13 14:17:26.000000000 +0000
+++ faac-patch/ 2007-01-29 19:18:45.000000000 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
if test x$external_mp4v2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with external mp4v2 ***])
+ LIBS="-lmp4v2 $LIBS"
if test x$WITHMP4V2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with internal mp4v2 ***]) says:
*** 37,42 ****
if test x$external_mp4v2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with external mp4v2 ***])
if test x$WITHMP4V2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with internal mp4v2 ***])
--- 37,44 ----
if test x$external_mp4v2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with external mp4v2 ***])
+ LIBS="-lmp4v2 $LIBS"
if test x$WITHMP4V2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with internal mp4v2 ***])
Isn't this correct?
Last edited by skottish (2008-07-19 20:28:03)
The Mike_Wey libmp4v2.patch file is almost, but not quite, exactly the same:
--- faac/ 2008-03-02 17:27:47.000000000 +0100
+++ faac/ 2008-03-02 17:30:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
if test x$external_mp4v2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with external mp4v2 ***])
+ LIBS="-lmp4v2 $LIBS"
if test x$WITHMP4V2 = xyes; then
AC_MSG_NOTICE([*** Building with internal mp4v2 ***])
and the patched PKGBUILD is:
# $Id$
# Maintainer: Alexander Baldeck <>
# Contributor: Sarah Hay <>
# Contributor: dorphell <>
pkgdesc="FAAC is an AAC audio encoder."
arch=(i686 x86_64)
license=('GPL' 'custom')
depends=('libmp4v2' 'glibc')
makedepends=('automake' 'autoconf' 'libtool')
build() {
cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}
patch -Np1 -i ${startdir}/src/libmp4v2.patch || return 1
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/\r//g'
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-mp4v2
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install
install -D -m644 ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}/libfaac/kiss_fft/COPYING \
md5sums=('1d7c019bd2dbb4f3101b8937ebc59cf6' '136089f1c398c78c6b2d23d7f8166735')
Thanks again azleifel. I ended up unpacking the tarball, inserting the code manually, then recompressing it. Not the most elegant solution, but it works. I'd still like to know why the patch from above didn't work (aside from the fact that the line numbers were off). I'd also like to know why if mp4 functionality is broken, why hasn't there been more of an outcry? Encoding your audio files into mp2 is ugly!
Last edited by skottish (2008-07-20 01:58:26)