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I hope I don't bother you too much by being a total newbie with arch-linux, but here's my first problem:
Yesterday, I installed the newest version of arch linux core on my asus eeePC 701 (4g) and it all went well. According to the "arch on eeePC"-guide, the ethernet-adapter of the eeePC should be automatically detected. trusting this fact, i went through the installation like described in the "beginner's guide" (except for the pitfall modifications for the SSD).
Problem now is that "ifconfig" only shows an entry for "lo" and doesn't want to "up" an eth0 (which is btw. configured in rc.conf), so it seems to me that there's a module/driver missing. hwdetect doesn't give me any useful information. can you help me?
I have this problem when trying to install Arch on my eeepc today too.
During the instalation, in the SUPPORT set of packages, you have to select and install the atl2 package. It is the driver for the ethernet card that comes with Eee PC.
Just found out how to solve this... You'll need to manual download eeekernel from
- copy it to you eeepc (using flashdrive...)
- install it
# pacman -U [kernel_filename].tar.gz
then follow the guide in wiki … nstruction
Hi, I've just had the same problem. I let the default chosen package during the installation. Can't detect my ADSL connection.
Btw, your solution, to copy kernel from usb flashdisk, how to do that (copying)? Because I don't know how to get into my flashdisk from the command line after base installation. Seems like my flashdisk is not recognized?
I'm in the most un-exact science world
Hi, I've just had the same problem. I let the default chosen package during the installation. Can't detect my ADSL connection.
Btw, your solution, to copy kernel from usb flashdisk, how to do that (copying)? Because I don't know how to get into my flashdisk from the command line after base installation. Seems like my flashdisk is not recognized?
Use mount command