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I want to install Arch on my work computer but I have internet with limited traffic on my work. I want to install Arch with KDE or Gnome (didn't decide yet). Are any ways to minimize traffic spending during install?
Sorry for my bad English.
Assuming you don't use pacman -Scc on your home PC, make sure your home PC is uptodate (pacman -Suy) and take the packages to work:
Take /var/cache/pacman/pkg/* from your home PC
On your work PC: pacman -Sy
Load your packages from home onto the work PC to /var/cache/pacman/pkg
Now install as normal, hopefully you won't have to download much.
Last edited by vacant (2008-07-25 07:55:53)
Assuming you don't use pacman -Scc on your home PC
I used pacman -Scc several times after install.
Sorry for my bad English.
This is exactly why I never use pac -Scc. Do you really need that like 1GB of extra space you get? I doubt it.
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"Once you go Arch, you must remain there for life or else Allan will track you down and break you."
-- Bregol
Guess you're stuck with downloading the packages at home from a mirror
Here's how to get a list for -686 architecture that you could adapt for use with an ftp script (or something):
pacman -Q | sed s/" "/-/ | sed s/$/-i686.pkg.tar.gz/ >pkg.txt
Last edited by vacant (2008-07-25 17:15:46)
I don't know how much your computers differ, but
on your home computer:
for i in $(pacman -Qq); do pacman -w --cachedir /path/to/somedir -S $i ; done
This will download to somedir all the packages you have installed on your home system.