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#1 2008-08-02 23:49:19

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 13

http user has no permissions to /dev/dsp


I've installed a nice program called 'Glirnath' on my webserver - with this program I am supposed to be able to use remote connection through apache to play music with mpg123 on my linux box.

it said i need to give the websever permissions to access the sound device so i tried all of these:

chmod 666 /dev/dsp
chmod 666 /dev/sound/dsp
gpasswd -a http audio

but I keep getting the error:

Please check the permissions of the audio device '/dev/sound/dsp'. Your web server user needs to be able to read and write the file.

One way to do this is (probably) to execute the following command as root:

  chmod 666 /dev/sound/dsp;

nothing works!

please HELP!


#2 2008-08-03 00:56:53

From: Columbus, Ohio, USA
Registered: 2008-05-08
Posts: 219

Re: http user has no permissions to /dev/dsp

Did the chmod commands you executed give you any errors?

This page is in russian, but the commands are readable to us at least: … %B8%D0%B9)

Try either or both of these and see what happens:

 REGISTER sound/.* PERMISSIONS root.users 660
 REGISTER snd/.* PERMISSIONS root.users 660

Last edited by kclive18 (2008-08-03 00:57:23)

My Rigs:
- Mid-2007 iMac 20", Intel 2GHz Core 2 Duo, 2x1GB DDR2-800, 250GB SATA HDD, and...MIGHTY MOUSE!!! tongue, OSX 10.5 Leopard, ATI Radeon 2400XT 128MB
- HP zv6203cl, AMD Athlon 64 3200 S939, 2x512MB DDR400, 80GB 4200rpm HDD, ATI Radeon Xpress 200M 128MB, Arch i686 cool
- 1986 Gibson SG Junior Cherry Red, Ibanez 15W amp, DigiTech RP250 modeling processor


#3 2008-08-03 15:46:53

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 13

Re: http user has no permissions to /dev/dsp


for both of these i get command REGISTER not found..

I try to skim through the link you sent and i saw it had something to do with a /etc/devfsd.conf

I have no such file on my system!

What to do?

thank you



#4 2008-08-03 16:23:07

From: Columbus, Ohio, USA
Registered: 2008-05-08
Posts: 219

Re: http user has no permissions to /dev/dsp … or-175987/

That Russian page I found earlier is pretty confusing, so I found the above link.  Looks like they used chmod 777 instead of chmod 666.  777 should give you full permissions.

My Rigs:
- Mid-2007 iMac 20", Intel 2GHz Core 2 Duo, 2x1GB DDR2-800, 250GB SATA HDD, and...MIGHTY MOUSE!!! tongue, OSX 10.5 Leopard, ATI Radeon 2400XT 128MB
- HP zv6203cl, AMD Athlon 64 3200 S939, 2x512MB DDR400, 80GB 4200rpm HDD, ATI Radeon Xpress 200M 128MB, Arch i686 cool
- 1986 Gibson SG Junior Cherry Red, Ibanez 15W amp, DigiTech RP250 modeling processor


#5 2008-08-03 18:07:11

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 13

Re: http user has no permissions to /dev/dsp

I solved the problem.

The issue was in php.ini there is a directive called open_basedir, this directive needs to contain all folders php can access.. added /dev/sound to it and now i think we're ok.

thanks a lot!


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