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#1 2008-08-12 20:59:49

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Scroll the screen? [Solved]

Okay, brace yourself for a super-noob question tongue Installed Arch (more details in the Hello thread), love it. Haven't installed X yet. What's the simplest way to allow scrolling the screen? For example, I use pacman to search for kde, and the screen overfills with text, not giving me a chance to read the beginning.

Once I find out how, I'll be adding it to the Beginner's wiki tongue

Thanks, and hello!

Last edited by Ranguvar (2008-08-14 21:05:06)


#2 2008-08-12 21:04:17

Registered: 2008-07-29
Posts: 30

Re: Scroll the screen? [Solved]

I believe you mean scrolling in the bash

simply press and hold shift and then push "page up" or "page down" on your keyboard
whether you wish to scroll up or down

good luck installing


#3 2008-08-12 21:09:47

From: Serbia
Registered: 2008-01-29
Posts: 2,676

Re: Scroll the screen? [Solved]


The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
But if they tell you that I've lost my mind, maybe it's not gone just a little hard to find...


#4 2008-08-12 21:16:46

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Re: Scroll the screen? [Solved]

Ah, thank you both smile Page Up and Down did not work, but I didn't try Shift.

Now, on to *shudder* X, KDE, and the nVidia drivers... wink


#5 2008-08-12 22:00:49

Registered: 2007-10-02
Posts: 570

Re: Scroll the screen? [Solved]

moljac024 wrote:


When I'm in the tty1 (virtual console), and I try to use "shift + page up/down"... it doesn't work for me. My previous terminal commands get shown just like if I hadn't pressed shift.

What works for me is piping " | " with the "less" command.... like when I search for a package and it prints out so many packages that I can't read the ones that print up first.

try to do a pacman search for gnome:

pacman -Ss gnome

then try the less command like this:

pacman -Ss gnome | less

... now it only prints one package at a time... just press enter to see the next line/package... and q to quit.

read the man page about "less"

man less

Less also works for your files.

ls -a /usr/bin | less

I also use the app called "midnight commander" for a tree view of your file system, and the browser called elinks to connect to the forums for asking questions... neither of them need a mouse or a gui.

pacman -S mc elinks

Last edited by methuselah (2008-08-12 22:02:28)


#6 2008-08-13 16:40:39

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Re: Scroll the screen? [Solved]

Thanks smile Figured that one out just a bit ago myself, since as you said, you can only scroll so much. Piping is awesome.


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