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UPDATE: naming scheme for packages in kde3 has been changed
- all KDE3 packages (and some packages with KDE4 alternatives in official repos) are now in form: kde3-*
kde3-* packages can coexist with KDE4
UPDATE: kde3 repository now contains KDE 3.5.10
After a while with KDE 4.1 I have decided to go back to 3.5.9.
Sooo.... I have created a repository for those feeling the same:
For x86_64:
Server =
and for i686:
Server =
To install it, just add this info to pacman.conf (above [extra] repository), and run pacman -S kde3.
List of packages in the repo:
KDE 3.5.10 packages:
kde3-arts kde3-common kde3-kdeaccessibility kde3-kdeaddons kde3-kdeadmin kde3-kdeartwork kde3-kdebase kde3-kdebindings kde3-kdeedu
kde3-kdegames kde3-kdegraphics kde3-kdelibs kde3-kdemultimedia kde3-kdenetwork kde3-kdepim kde3-kdesdk kde3-kdetoys kde3-kdeutils kde3-kdewebdev
kde3-i18n-lang packages for languages:
af ar az be bg bn br bs ca cs csb cy da de el en_gb eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gl he hi hr hu is it ja
kk km ko lt lv mk mn ms nb nds nl nn pa pl pt pt_br ro ru rw se sk sl sr ss sv ta te tg th tr uk uz vi wa zh_cn zh_tw
Additional packages (and some dependencies):
kde3-archlinux-themes-kdm kde3-btype kde3-compiz-decorator kde3-d3lphin kde3-decor-crystal kde3-dolphin kde3-gtk-qt-engine kde3-gwenview kde3-gwenview-i18n
kde3-icons-crystaldiamond kde3-k9copy kde3-katapult kde3-kboincspy kde3-kdbg kde3-kdebluetooth kde3-kdesvn kde3-kdmtheme kde3-kgtk kde3-kid3 kde3-kima
kde3-kkbswitch kde3-klibido kde3-knemo kde3-knetworkmanager kde3-kpowersave kde3-ksplash-engine-moodin kde3-ktorrent kde3-libkexif kde3-ortp kde3-quadkonsole
kde3-showimg kde3-style-polyester kde3-yakuake kiosktool kmuddy kradio krypt lapsus libmxp libopensync mozillaqs schafkopf
Also, it contains some packages either from [testing] to satisfy some dependencies, or just newer than in official Arch's repos:
bluez gnokii openobex
amarok-base 1.4.10
amarok-engine-xine 1.4.10
kdevelop 3.5.3
I will add packages for more programs when they are substituted in Arch with their KDE4 versions (with the name kde3-pkgname)
Finally, KDE3 from this repo can be installed next to KDE4. You can use both kdm4 (/etc/rc.d/kdm) and kdm3 (/etc/rc.d/kdm3),
and both of them will provide KDE3 session choice.
To use kdm from KDE3, change kdm to kdm3 in rc.conf.
If you had previously installed packages from this repo, pacman -Syu should update them.
If you want to install KDE3 from scratch, use: pacman -S kde3
(and then install correct lang pack and other optional packages, like kde3-knetworkmanager)
Also, you need to add following line to your ~/.bashrc file (and check if your .bash_profile calls .bashrc - it should, but if not you need to add the same line there too - or make it call .bashrc ):
. /etc/profile.d/
All PKGBUILDs are available here:
Last edited by tanis (2008-10-05 14:47:17)
Great, thanks.
Yay, 3.5.10 src pkgs are available.
thank you soooooooo much Thanks for all your work on this. I have just one question, will the upgrade from the current 3.5.9 to 3.5.10 be smooth? thanks again.
3.5.10 should be there withing few hours.
What do you mean by "current"?
If you are talking about upgrading from 3.5.9 to 3.5.10 it will be straightforward.
If you think about upgrading from 3.5.9 that was in [extra] repository of Arch, it would involve updating
your system to KDE4, or removing kde completely, and installing 'kde3' group from my repository.
User's files will work between all versions: Arch's official 3.5.9 and 3.5.9 / 3.5.10 from my repo.
Just one question.
Why is KDEmod-legacy not good enough?
Last edited by whargoul (2008-08-26 20:21:07)
Arch - It's something refreshing
I don't think modular KDE is a good idea and having a choice is
Updated repository to 3.5.10 version.
I also changed the name of arts package to arts-kde3, so kdelibs 4.1 doesn't try to replace it.
If pacman asks if it should replace 'arts' with kdelibs, you should say 'Y' - arts will be removed, and arts-kde3 will be pulled as a dependency of kdelibs3 from [kde3] repo.
To update from 3.5.9 from my repo, just use pacman -Syu and agree to replacing arts with kdelibs (4.1, from [extra]).
There is also amarok 1.4.10
Last edited by tanis (2008-08-27 04:50:29)
Nicely done!
One app I don't see that used to be among Arch's packages is gwenview.
Bloody 'ell, those kicker fixes break my lovely mtaskbar. Will there be no serenity for me in the kde world anymore?
I don't think modular KDE is a good idea and having a choice is
I agree with you about having more than one choice is a good idea, but why don't you like a modular KDE/split KDE builds? I find it more "the Arch way" for someone to decide for himself what part of kdenetwork or kdegraphics he wants. If I installed kdenetwork because I want Kopete, I also get Kget, Kdict, KPPP, Krdc, Krfb and lots of other applications, that are useless to me, but maybe not to someone else. The same is valid for kdegraphics and kdemultimedia and other packages. Please explain why you would not like such an option.
Edit: typo's
Last edited by jealma (2008-08-27 09:55:07)
I myself prefer vanilla KDE to KDEmod, in part due to all those patches in the latter. I don't care about splitted packages one bit. Yay for choice.
I myself prefer vanilla KDE to KDEmod, in part due to all those patches in the latter. I don't care about splitted packages one bit. Yay for choice.
i feel the same way
@Tanis: could you please rename the version of amarok in your repo from amarok-base to amarok-base-kde3 so the name is different than that of the official repos? THanks a bunch
@MONODA: Why? It's exactly the same pkgbuild, just updated version. If Arch gets amarok 1.4.10, I will remove my package completely, since it's the same.
When Arch starts using Amarok2, I will add package amarok-*-kde3 for Amarok1. Simple
@jealma: I think we really don't want to go into 'Arch way discussion' In my opinion KDE was meant to be distributed as sets of programs, not individual ones.
Also Arch tries to be as vanilla as it can be, and kdemod contains tons of patches. I don't really mind to have few MBs extra used, if the other option
is to tweak the list of packages installed thinking what I really want or not. It's like with Gentoo - too much tweaking that was interesting at some point, but
got just irritating after a while...
@MONODA: Why? It's exactly the same pkgbuild, just updated version. If Arch gets amarok 1.4.10, I will remove my package completely, since it's the same.
When Arch starts using Amarok2, I will add package amarok-*-kde3 for Amarok1. Simple smile
oh ok but how would I go about installing the version in your repos since I dont think the official repos will ever have amarok 1.4.10, they will just upgrade it from 1.4.9 to 2.0.
@MONODA - I have no idea if 1.4.10 will ever go into official Arch repository, it should be there already since this is bugfix release for some vulnerability.
I don't understand the question... if you install 1.4.10 from my repo, it would be exactly the same as installing from official repo.
And when the official one gets updated to Amarok2, I will simply create new set of packages for Amarok 1, with -kde3 suffix.
Also, the Amarok2 will be named differently anyway, since it won't have 'amarok-base' and 'amarok-engine-xine' parts, but just 'amarok' package.
i am asking what command would i have to run to install amarol from YOUR repo not the official one.
Just add [kde3] above all other repositories in pacman.conf and run 'pacman -Syu'.
It will update amarok to 1.4.10 version, provided you have amarok installed.
If not, just run 'pacman -Sy amarok-engine-xine amarok-base'
@tanis: excellent work, thanks for your effort with these and the kde4 svn debug packages. Are the source packages available for both ?
I hope you don't mind me dropping this suggestion here in your thread but you, and anyone that uses these packages, are obviously concerned about KDE3 or you wouldn't have bothered with these 3.5.10 packages. Apologies if this is inappropriate.
I'm worried that kde 3.5.10 may be the last of the 3 series as some kde devs would like to see it killed off as I'd like to see kde3 stick around for at least another 12 to 24 months and it's a pity that the likes of the KDEmod3 tweaks, and other folks updates, will never find their way into the official upstream source repo. A real problem is that, over time, the support packages needed to compile just this particular version will gradually be updated and 3.5.10 will become harder and harder to compile against these updated support packages (assuming minor tweaks that require a recompile). It would be possible to gather a snapshot of current support packages and keep a set of frozen tarballs somewhere but that is also suboptimal as gcc and glibc will keep on advancing so everything has to be rebuilt without the benefit of future bugfixes and security updates to both the support and main 3.5.10 packages. Bitrot will set in.
One way to solve this bitrot problem is to literally fork 3.5.10 to a new 3.6.0 version under Git with user write accounts, call it something other than KDE, and allow anyone to keep modifying this new centralized repo. I say to use Git because it's easier to keep HEAD as the canonical stable version and to experiment in branches and merge back to HEAD only when patches are proven to work... branching is far easier with git than svn.
Anyone else interested in this idea? (if so, perhaps email rather than hijack this thread)
And why not stick to kde4? Because if I have to do a new install for a novice user, like my 90yo mother or my 7yo niece for instance, there is absolutely no way I would use kde4, not now and maybe ever... maybe. Even if kde4 was rock solid stable it's looking like it's going to become too complex for novice users to simply use out of the box compared to kde3. Perhaps when the folderview containment is an exact clone of the kde3 desktop and a default setup had nepomuk and strigi disabled then it might... might... be a reasonable candidate for first time users. I bought into kde4 because of Qt4+ and the promise of a faster double buffered non-flickering desktop. It's a year since the first Qt4 based kde4 builds appeared and I still don't have a STABLE non-flickering KDE desktop. KDE4 will be great when the dust settles but, let's say... 2008 wasn't the year of the linux desktop.
@markc - thanks
As for KDE3/KDE4 issue... I like Qt4, I use it as a programmer, and I hoped KDE4 would be great. I'm not sure yet if I like the direction it took,
but in current shape - I don't like it for sure. It doesn't offer me anything I would need or like that is not present in KDE3, but in many ways KDE3 is superior - faster, more stable, hiding panels, file previews on desktop and many many other little things. That's why I moved back to KDE3 and I must say, that was relief. I have no idea what KDE's devs intent to do about 3.5 line,
but I would like KDE 3.5 to live at least for a while longer. Changing dependencies, especially gcc/glibc is a problem. If KDE's devs don't want to continue maintaining it, I think it would be great if we could gather a few people willing to do that. I wouldn't call it 3.6 (or "fork") though, since it would be maintaining only (unless someone wants to start adding new stuff, but I doubt it).
If there is a need for keeping KDE 3.5 alive, I could (and would love to) participate as well, as a programmer and as a packager for Arch
Having said that, I think that there are many people feeling the same about KDE 3.5 vs 4, so I guess there should be some more official initiative of that kind. If not, Arch community would be great starting point for something like that
Having said that, I think that there are many people feeling the same about KDE 3.5 vs 4, so I guess there should be some more official initiative of that kind. If not, Arch community would be great starting point for something like that
+1 to all. At the moment i use kdemod3 and have own packages of amarok, gwenview and so on which be copies from abs to be undependend from the kde4 packages from the extra repo.
At the moment i be satisfied with my configuration but i'm so much disapointed from kde4 that i make my first tests with openbox together with kde4 apps on my test partition. So your plans for your repo looks very nice.
KDE4 is like Root Beer, it smells sweetly but is definitely no beer. And i won't unterstand why this uselless panel replace the kicker.
I have no idea why (yet?), but autologin (in KDM) fails in this version with "Authentication failed" message. It apparently worked OK in KDEmod3.
Might be some PAM issue. I will investigate it.
@lucke: 'pacman -Syu' and check if it works now (after kde3-common is updated).
When I was modifying kde-common, I changed kde and kde-np files from /etc/pam.d to kde3 and kde3-np. I guess it doesn't work for some reason.
I changed those names back. Now, however, it might conflict with kdm from KDE4... but I'm too sleepy to check it now. Maybe tomorrow
Btw, I have also added archlinux-themes-kdm-kde3 package with two nice themes for kdm.
I have installed the all the latest versions of the kde packages except the language packages and ktorrent-kde3 yakuake-kde3 kdebluetooth-kde3 kdmtheme-kde3 and have restarted but I am still having few problems. First of all, when I first installed kde3 from you repo I found that all the settings apps (like "sound", "Login manager" etc) were in the "lost and found" menu in kmenu. I then noticed that the only available item in the kde control center was "network" which didnt have anything to configure. I moved all the settings apps into the "Settings" menu but it did not help my control center problem. Is anyone else having this problem? Does any one know how to fix it?
Second I have added "kdm" to my daemons array in rc.conf but kdm still does not start at bootup. I am almost sure I am doing something incorrectly.
Lastly I have been unable to find knetworkmanager in your repo. If I try to install it from the official repos then I need to install some kde 4 libs like phonon. Is this ok or will you be adding a knetworkmanager to your repo?
Thanks a lot for you help and work on these packages.