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Howdy Guys,
I followed the wiki article for pm-suspend/hibernate, and my laptop seems to suspend fine when I do "sudo pm-suspend."
When I resume, though, usb is dead. pm-suspend.log isn't much help. There's a section in the wiki about bringing back mouse functions, but that solution does not work (maybe because the module name in the wiki is not the same as the one I'm using?)
anyway, how do I get resume to include usb?
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This Ubuntu user (don't worry, that's a great thread there despite the fact that it's Ubuntu) got it to work by adding ehci_hcd to /etc/default/acpi-support in the MODULES array there...not sure if this is the same on Arch (I'm not on my Arch machine atm, but I will check tomorrow since I am heading off to a Radiohead concert shortly )
My Rigs:
- Mid-2007 iMac 20", Intel 2GHz Core 2 Duo, 2x1GB DDR2-800, 250GB SATA HDD, and...MIGHTY MOUSE!!! , OSX 10.5 Leopard, ATI Radeon 2400XT 128MB
- HP zv6203cl, AMD Athlon 64 3200 S939, 2x512MB DDR400, 80GB 4200rpm HDD, ATI Radeon Xpress 200M 128MB, Arch i686
- 1986 Gibson SG Junior Cherry Red, Ibanez 15W amp, DigiTech RP250 modeling processor
put that module in /etc/pm/config.d/unload_modules.
if isn't working create your own hook. see wiki or
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Ok, in the file
I have these lines:
SUSPEND_MODULES="button usbhid ehci_hcd uhci_hcd"
RESUME_MODULES="uhci_hcd ehci_hcd usbhid"
I did pm-suspend and pm-hibernate by hand and the screen went black for 30 seconds or so and then just came right back up. do these lines contain contradictory instructions?
The wiki said I could name the file "config" or "modules." Does it make a difference?
put that module in /etc/pm/config.d/unload_modules.
if isn't working create your own hook. see wiki or
I should create a file with the name "unload_modules?"
[wonder@laptop config.d]$ cat unload_modules
SUSPEND_MODULES="module1 module2"
Last edited by wonder (2008-08-04 21:18:17)
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
still no mouse on resume. does the file have to be executable?
still no happiness on resume, usb is dead.
I can eventually add resume hooks or whatever, but first I have to find out what's not coming back up after a resume. How can I do that?
More generally, whenever I try to fix something I feel like my failed attempts have left their muddy footprints all over my hard drive. In this case, I've followed the wiki and done this and that, but I have reversed some of the changes I made and now I sort of feel like crap is sprinkled around everyplace.
so I guess that leads to a secondary question:
1. What's a good way to keep track of changes, and
2. How should I keep a running record of what I'm doing?
my various journeys could make great wiki pages if I could only remember the steps I took. Sure I get stuff working, but I lose track of how.
So whatduyou think? git? even with something like git, I'd need a clean, bare starting point, right?
If you want to find out what's not resuming after you bring the computer back up - couldn't you just lsmod >> log.log and compare that to the results of lsmod when you come back?
I don't know if that will work AT ALL, but it's a thought.
"Unix is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." (Dennis Ritchie)
good idea. I just learned that I don't know how to read the output of diff.
I did
lsmod > before.txt
lsmod > after.txt
diff before.txt after.txt > diffs.txt
and here's what that looks like:
> usbhid 48608 0
> hid 47552 1 usbhid
> ff_memless 6280 1 usbhid
> ohci_hcd 24196 0
> ehci_hcd 38284 0
> button 8096 0
> nls_cp437 7552 1
> vfat 12800 1
> fat 52152 1 vfat
> usb_storage 97216 1
< ppp_async 11264 1
> ppp_async 11264 0
< cdc_acm 17184 3
> cdc_acm 17184 0
< nvidia 8109712 36
> nvidia 8109712 40
< button 8096 0
< evdev 12032 7
> evdev 12032 6
< ppp_generic 27944 7 ppp_deflate,bsd_comp,ppp_async
> ppp_generic 27944 3 ppp_deflate,bsd_comp,ppp_async
< fuse 48576 0
> fuse 48576 2
< usbhid 48608 0
< hid 47552 1 usbhid
< ff_memless 6280 1 usbhid
< sd_mod 25792 3
> sd_mod 25792 5
< ehci_hcd 38284 0
< ohci_hcd 24196 0
< usbcore 152472 7 cdc_acm,uvcvideo,ndiswrapper,usbhid,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd
> usbcore 152472 8 usbhid,ohci_hcd,ehci_hcd,usb_storage,cdc_acm,uvcvideo,ndiswrapper
< scsi_mod 109432 4 sg,sd_mod,sr_mod,libata
> scsi_mod 109432 5 usb_storage,sg,sd_mod,sr_mod,libata
There's a gtk version of kompare, but I can't remember what its name is.
I think the problem with your diff is that the modules are not listed in the same order.
Also, you only want the first column, the others are not important and muddle things.
You can use 'sort' and 'awk' to fix this, i.e. instead of 'lsmod > before.txt', do 'lsmod |sort|awk '{print $1}'> before.txt'. Then do the same for the after file. (Or you can just 'cat before.txt|sort|awk '{print $1} > beforesorted.txt', etc.)
Also, use the unified format for diff, with 'diff -u'. It makes it easier to figure out the output, I think.
p.s. I know you're supposed to use 'cut' instead of 'awk', but I'm a lazy person who likes to use the command he is most familiar with.
1. A legendary being.
2. A never ending quest to make unix friendly to people who don't want unix and excruciating for those that do.
Now when I do pm-suspend my computer reboots. Why did it start doing that?
dmesg shows what modules are corrupt...
SUSPEND_MODULES="sr_mod cdrom omnibook sdhci mmc_core evdev ehci_hcd
usbcore fuse vboxdr "
and works great for me...
Pages: 1