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#1 2008-09-01 07:28:12

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 809

Trying to get rxvt background solid

Here is my ~/.Xdefaults, bolded are background and transparency commented out:

Xcursor.theme: ComixCursors-Black-Regular
!Xcursor.theme: Grounation

background:  #000000
*foreground:  #efefcf
! Black
*color0:      #5A5A5A
*color8:      #909090
! Red
*color1:      #bf0f0b
*color9:      #bf0f0b
! Green
*color2:      #208800
*color10:     #c3fd2d
! Yellow
*color3:      #FDD338
*color11:     #FF9600
! Blue
!*color4:      #619AF4
*color4:      #224784
*color12:     #5496FF
! Purple
*color5:      #5F5A90
*color13:     #826AB1
! Cyan
*color6:      #47E0FF
*color14:     #2ED9FB
! White
*color7:      #FFFFFF
*color15:     #DEDEDE

!Xft settings
Xft.dpi:                96
Xft.hinting:            1
Xft.hintstyle:          hintfull
Xft.antialias:          1 
Xft.rgba:               rgb

!URxvt settings
URxvt.urlLauncher:      firefox
URxvt.matcher.button:   1
URxvt.perl-ext-common: matcher
URxvt.perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/matcher
urxvt*font:             xft:Terminus:size=11
URxvt*boldFont:         xft:Terminus:size=11
URxvt*italicFont:       xft:Terminus:pixelsize=11
URxvt*bolditalicFont:   xft:Terminus:size=11
URxvt*scrollBar:        false
URxvt*internalBorder:   6

URxvt.background:       #000000
URxvt.foreground:       #ffffff
!URxvt.termName:           string
URxvt.geometry:           110x30
!URxvt.reverseVideo:       boolean
!URxvt.loginShell:         boolean
!URxvt.jumpScroll:         boolean
!URxvt.skipScroll:         boolean
!URxvt.pastableTabs:       boolean
!URxvt.scrollstyle:        mode
!URxvt.scrollBar_right:    boolean
!URxvt.scrollBar_floating: boolean
!URxvt.scrollBar_align:    mode
!URxvt.thickness:          number
!URxvt.scrollTtyOutput:    boolean
!URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress:  boolean
!URxvt.scrollWithBuffer:   boolean
URxvt.inheritPixmap:      true
URxvt.transparent:        false
URxvt.tintColor:          #333333
URxvt.shading:            0
URxvt.fading:             0
URxvt.fadeColor:          #222222
!URxvt.utmpInhibit:        boolean
URxvt.urgentOnBell:       true
!URxvt.visualBell:         boolean
!URxvt.mapAlert:           boolean
!URxvt.meta8:              boolean
URxvt.mouseWheelScrollPage:   True
!URxvt.tripleclickwords:   boolean
!URxvt.insecure:           boolean
!URxvt.cursorUnderline:    boolean
URxvt.cursorBlink:        true
!URxvt.pointerBlank:       boolean
!URxvt.colorBD:            color
!URxvt.colorIT:            color
!URxvt.colorUL:            color
!URxvt.colorRV:            color
!URxvt.underlineColor:     color
!URxvt.scrollColor:        color
!URxvt.troughColor:        color
!URxvt.highlightColor:     color
URxvt.cursorColor:        #ffffff
!URxvt.cursorColor2:       color
URxvt.pointerColor:       #afc81c
!URxvt.pointerColor2:      color
!URxvt.borderColor:        color
!URxvt.intensityStyles:    boolean
!URxvt.inputMethod:        name
!URxvt.preeditType:        style
!URxvt.imLocale:           string
!URxvt.imFont:             fontname
!URxvt.title:               URxvt
!URxvt.iconName:           string
!URxvt.saveLines:          number
!URxvt.depth:              number
!URxvt.transient-for:      windowid
!URxvt.override-redirect:  boolean
!URxvt.hold:               boolean
!URxvt.externalBorder:     number
!URxvt.internalBorder:     number
URxvt.borderLess:         true
!URxvt.skipBuiltinGlyphs:  boolean
!URxvt.lineSpace:          number
!URxvt.pointerBlankDelay:  number
!URxvt.backspacekey:       string
!URxvt.deletekey:          string
!URxvt.selectstyle:        mode
!URxvt.print-pipe:         string
!URxvt.modifier:           modifier
!URxvt.cutchars:           string
!URxvt.answerbackString:   string
!URxvt.secondaryScreen:    boolean
!URxvt.secondaryScroll:    boolean
!URxvt.perl-lib:           string
!URxvt.perl-eval:          perl-eval
!URxvt.perl-ext-common:    string
!URxvt.perl-ext:           string
!URxvt.iso14755_52:        boolean
!URxvt*keysym.sym:         keysym

Rxvt stays transparent, can't get the background to be solid black. Any help appreciated, thanks Arch community smile


#2 2008-09-01 14:20:45

From: Calgary
Registered: 2008-05-13
Posts: 611

Re: Trying to get rxvt background solid

I would say you have to get rid of the "URxct.inheritPixmap" line.


#3 2008-09-01 17:27:09

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 809

Re: Trying to get rxvt background solid

Thanks a lot SamC, that worked! Finally solid bg wink Thx! big_smile


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