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What font is that you're using for the statusbar at the top?
Last edited by voteforpedro36 (2008-09-01 15:05:29)
Excuse my lame english.
Here is mine:
How did you get the bottom taskbar to look like that?
@ rson: … e-96532468
@Lord Illidan:
Its called tint2. First download, compile, and install it. Then if you want, I will give you my config.
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
What fonts are you using for the taskbar at the top and the terminals?
What font is that you're using for the statusbar at the top?
To answer you both all the text on the bars at the top and bottom is the font Silkscreen and my terminals use DejaVu Sans Mono.
I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.
colbert wrote:Mind sharing your .screenrc and gtk theme?
Sure, here is screenrc:
startup_message off
vbell on
defscrollback 5000
shell -$SHELL
shelltitle sh
autodetach on
altscreen on
escape ``
# enable SHIFT-PGUP / SHIFT-PGDOWN scroll
termcapinfo rxvt ti@:te@
# change window with ALT-. ALT-,
#bindkey "^[kP" next
#bindkey "^[kN" prev
# change window with ALT-Q ALT-W
bindkey "^[q" prev
bindkey "^[w" next
# keyboard shortcuts
bind ^a screen -t bash # C-a-a shell
#bind ^m screen -t sshmyth # C-a-m mpd w/sonata
bind ^f screen -t htop #C-a-f htop system monitor
#bind ^r screen -t rtorrent rtorrent # C-a-r
# bind F10 to Screen's quit command
#bindkey -k k; quit
# startup sessions
#screen -t ncftp 11 ncftp bobgill
screen -t shell 0
screen -t irssi 8 irssi
screen -t nload 14 nload eth0 -o 824 -u H -U H
screen -t htop 15 htop
screen -t sshmyth 16 sh /home/bobby/
select 8
# status // change %{= M} --> %{= kM} to display status on black background
#hardstatus alwayslastline '%{bk}[ %{W}%H %{b}][ %{w}%l%{b} ] %{b}[%{w} %D %d.%m %c:%s%{b} ]'
#hardstatus alwayslastline '%{bk}[%{W}%H%{b}] %{w} %l %= %n*%t%{-b r}%{w}%+w %= %{w}%d %D %{w}%c'
#hardstatus alwayslastline '%{wk}[ %{g}][%= %{wk}%?%-Lw%?%{=b kR}(%{W}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{=b kR})%{= kw}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{Y}%l%{g}]%{=b C}[ %m/%d %c ]%{W}'
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= R}[%{w}%H%{R}][%{w}%=%?%-Lw%?%{R}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%? %{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%=%{R}][%{w}%m/%d %{W}%C%A%{R}]'
# add CPU idle/sustem/user/interrupt stats
backtick 100 5 5 tail -1 /var/tmp/vermaden-stats-top
#caption always '%{= wk} %= %100` %='
#for naming of shells
shelltitle "$ | bash"
And GTK theme is Zenner, found on gnome-look and DA
And thanks dmz!
Still working on mine. It's quite boring, since i'm totally uncreative
Last edited by Mountainjew (2008-09-01 22:13:53)
Why the Ubuntu wallpaper?
This is an Archlinux forum?
He's running Arch... Shouldn't that be the major criterion?
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Cosay, tell me how it turns out with XFS, I am intrested in switching.
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
vrunner, could you upload your nodoka theme somewhere? I have been looking for a notification-daemon theme exactly like that for forever.
Cosay, tell me how it turns out with XFS, I am intrested in switching.
So far, the only thing that I've noticed is that Pacman repository updates are slower because XFS isn't optimized for small files. The only customization that I've tried is to use "noatime" in /etc/fstab.
I decided to give XFS a try after having to wait a long time for Ext3 to fsck a 650GB partition.
1024x1280 (times two monitors)
Sorry if it's too big
Compiz, kdemod, terminal w/ transparency, conky, mplayer, zsnes with twinview
Background is by gucken (really great backgrounds) and is called starry night
Skydome is some random picture (hi res) that i got searching google for horizon.
Last edited by virati (2009-02-25 00:43:10)
Why the Ubuntu wallpaper?
This is an Archlinux forum?
you should see how many archers post in the ubuntu forums screenshots thread.
best looking ubuntu desktops are on arch.
Oh, and colbert, that is the smoothest desktop i think i have ever seen.
Very nice looking
Thank you
vrunner, could you upload your nodoka theme somewhere? I have been looking for a notification-daemon theme exactly like that for forever.
Sure: Download
smakked wrote:Why the Ubuntu wallpaper?
This is an Archlinux forum?He's running Arch... Shouldn't that be the major criterion?
Yeah sorry didn't want to sound aggressive but just found it strange, but that pic looks good as hi def.
Certified Android Junkie
Arch 64
@ haxit: Would you be so kind as to share your tintrc?
@ zeist: What is the bar at the bottom? It looks like conky on the right, but the "Run: Scrot" section on the left is intriguing.
My first post/screenshot/week with Arch. So far, it's awesome!
WM: Openbox, WM Theme: ubuntustudio
GTK Theme: Clearlooks Brave Dark, Icons: buuf
Terminal: Mrxvt with Terminus font and set to auto-open w/two tabs
Wallpaper: Feh is set to grab a random wallpaper from my specified directory every new session (Don't know current wp origin, sorry)
Apps: tint, conky, mpd + gimmix
It's still a work in progress, and I haven't perfected my configs yet. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Still working on mine. It's quite boring, since i'm totally uncreative
Can you post your .conkyrc? Also, what MSN client are you using? And where did you get that wallpaper?
Last edited by Barrucadu (2008-09-02 08:21:03)
@ zeist: What is the bar at the bottom? It looks like conky on the right, but the "Run: Scrot" section on the left is intriguing.
It's an Awesome3 statusbar, just like the bar at the top. The things on the right are various wicked widgets, the run thing is an prompt(awful.prompt) that pops up on pressing Alt+F1 and allows me to run things.
I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.
Mountainjew wrote:Still working on mine. It's quite boring, since i'm totally uncreative
Can you post your .conkyrc? Also, what MSN client are you using? And where did you get that wallpaper?
Sure, here ya go...
alignment bottom_right
gap_x 5
gap_y 0
background yes #forked to background?
no_buffers yes #substract (file system) buffers from used memory?
update_interval 1.0
out_to_console no #print text to stdout
top_cpu_separate no #will show different cpu's metrics?
total_run_times 0 #conky runs forever with 0
double_buffer yes
uppercase no
override_utf8_locale yes #force utf8? requires XFT
short_units no #short metrics like Gib -> G
font Rehana:size=10
use_xft yes
xftalpha 1 #alpha of xft font
xftfont Rehana:size=9
draw_graph_borders no
draw_borders noii
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
stippled_borders no
border_width 1
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorate,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
color0 1C1919 #almost black
default_color white
color1 4EDB23 #green
color2 403D3C #pilka
${font Sans:size=16}${time %k:%M:%S} ${alignr}${font Sans:size=10}${time %a/%b/%d}
${voffset -10}${hr}
${voffset -5}${kernel} ${sysname} ${machine}
${voffset 6}${color1}Uptime: ${color}${uptime}
${color1}CPU max: ${color}${freq} MHz ${alignr}${color}$cpu%
${color1}Memory: ${color} ${memmax}${alignr}${memperc}%
${color1}SWAP: ${color} ${swapmax}${alignr}${swapperc}%
${voffset -5}${hr}
${color1}Top Memory:
${font Sans:size=8}${color}${top_mem name 1} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 1} RAM
${top_mem name 2} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 2} RAM
${top_mem name 3} ${alignr}${top_mem mem 3} RAM
${color}${voffset -5}${hr}
${color1}${font Sans:size=10}Top CPU:
${color}${font Sans:size=8}${top name 1} ${alignr}${top cpu 1} Mhz
${top name 2}${alignr}${top cpu 2} Mhz
${top name 3}${alignr}${top cpu 3} Mhz
${color}${voffset -5}${hr}
${color1}${font Sans:size=10}Root:${color}${offset 15}${fs_size /}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /}% free
${color2}${fs_bar 8,200 /}
${color1}Home:${color}${offset 15}${fs_size /home}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /home}% free
${color2}${fs_bar 8,200 /home}
Oh, i'm using Pidgin with the Pidgen screenlet for msn. And i got my wallpaper from here … M-31312051
Long Time I did not post something...
My last config on a VM... Arch + Pekwm (GTK and Pekwm are home made)
Icaons are Gion (found on
WP can be found at
Where can I get the "fly.jpg" wallpaper please?